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"GUESS who is getting married?" Katherine asked once Sam picked up the phone.

While Sam stayed silent and took her time to answer,Katherine took a sip of the alcohol she currently held in her hand. She was sitting on her bedroom floor,with her,yet to be packed,clothes scattered around the floor. Her one hand held her phone and the other her favourite bottle of vodka. She was dressed in the shirt of a lover,whose name and face she had long forgotten.

"It defiantly has to be Santa Claus because it can't be you." Replied Sam

"And what makes you think it can't be me?"

"Have you suddenly forgotten the conversation we had in your car? The one about not wanting a man in your life."

"I remember, but it's me. I'm the one who is getting married."

"Excuse me? Come again."

"Me. I'm getting married tomorrow."

The line went silent and Katherine suddenly heard an 'Ow'

"What was that?" Asked Katherine

"I just pinched myself."

"What? Why?"

"Cause I thought I was dreaming. Did you say you were getting married tomorrow?"

"Yes. Me. Tomorrow."

"Like tomorrow, tomorrow?"

"No,last year's tomorrow" Katherine said sarcastically

"That comeback made no sense."

"But it did make you feel stupid." Resorted Katherine

"They always do. Wait,why are you getting married tomorrow and to whom?"

"Long story." Katherine said with a sigh.

"I've got time and I'm sure that bottle of vodka you are holding is full." Sam predicted and Katherine looked at her bottle.

"For your information, it's half full. How'd you know?"

"You are always drinking."

"Are not."  Denied Katherine in a childish, whiney voice.

"Are too." Replied Sam

"Are not."

"Are... No,I'm a grown woman. I'm not doing this again. We did this for an hour last week. So tell me. Who's the lucky bastard?" Sam asked with,what Katherine suspected was,a hint of excitement.

Katherine took a large swing of her vodka then proceeded to tell her friend about the unfortunate set of events that led her to where she currently was.

"You actually said yes?" Sam asked once Katherine was finished.

"I think I did mention that."

"I need to go see Mari so I can give her a big kiss and thank her." Sam said happily.

"Sam,I'm going to marry a man I don't know nor love and you are happy. What kind of friend are you?"

"A friend who knows that this will do you a lot of good. So what are you going to do now?"

"I'm currently packing,well I was packing then I wanted some alcohol because I have too many clothes."

"You are actually moving in with him?"


"Moving in with someone is a very big thing. Are you ready?"

"Getting married is a big thing, but here I am."


"Wait,what are you doing now?" Katherine asked excitedly

"Date night with Dave. We are watching a movie. Why do ask?"

"I'm going to spend my last night as a free woman like a legend. Are you coming with?" Katherine asked as she got up and looked around her clothes for something to wear.

"Date night. I just can't ditch Dave. Don't go out. You need all you sleep for tomorrow."

"Fine,I'll go with Denise. Wait a second." Katherine said then removed her phone from her ear and shouted, "Denise,do you want go to the club?" And she got a "Sure" as a reply.

"Settled." Katherine told Sam.

"Don't drink too much." Instructed Sam.

"I might as well stay at home."

"You can't get married with a hangover."

"Remember the Gomez case? I was nursing a hangover the day I had to present my case. I'm sure I will be fine."

"At least don't bring anyone home." Sam said in a pleading voice and heard Katherine laugh,indicating that she was going to do just that. "Fine, be home by midnight."

"I was actually planning to be home by eleven."

"Are you serious?" Sam asked in surprise.

"Yeah. Eleven."

"But you are normally home when the sun comes up. What's the catch?"

"Well,I need time to bring a lad home, have a couple rounds of sex then enough time to kick him out before he falls asleep." Katherine explained as she found the dress she was to wear.

"Makes perfect sense. I know how you hate having one night stands falling asleep on your bed."

"Not my bed. I never have no strings attached sex on my bed. I always use the guest bedroom."

"Oh,I forgot about that. I will see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, ten sharp."

"Sure. Bye. Don't forget to use a condom."

"Do I ever? Bye." Katherine said with a laugh and hung up.

Katherine finished off her bottle then went to get ready.

DENISE and Katherine got out of Katherine's car and walked to the entrance of the club. Katherine flashed the bodyguard a smile and a kiss on the cheek before he greeted her with a smile of his own and let them in,ignoring the groans of the people in the long line. Katherine led Denise to the VIP area where she spotted the club owner and a personal friend,Andre, once they were seated.

"Kat, how are you doing?" Andre asked after he have her a hug.

"I'm good Andre,you?"

"Awesome. Who's your friend over there?" He asked referring to Denise who was already on the dance floor.

"She has a boyfriend. I'm sure there are tons of girls who want you here. Like her." Katherine said pointing at a red headed girl who was stealing glances at them.

"She's hot. I better go work my magic. Have a great night. As always the drinks are free when it comes to you." Andre said and walked over to the girl.

Katherine took a few shots before going to the dance floor to find Denise. Once she found her,they danced together until Katherine felt a pair of large hands on her hips. She turned around and found a handsome dark skinned man smiling at her and Katherine returned the smile and continued dancing.

Katherine pulled him closed and whispered in his ear,"How about we take this party somewhere else?"

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