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KATHERINE rushed into the Williams mansion, dragging her two suitcases and supporting her phone with her shoulder.
"I just got home Boss, I will be there in an hour." Katherine said as she passed the living room and she caught the eye of the wives.
"It's an important client Katherine, I expect you yo be punctual." Instructed her boss.
"Yes Boss. I will see you in an hour."
Katherine ended the call in a rush and let Laura take her suitcases upstairs. She turned to follow Laura when Sophia's voice rang behind her.
"You decided to come back. We really did hope you would stay wherever you were forever." She said and Katherine turned.
"Yes, I'm back. I have somewhere to be. Unlike the both of you, I have a job." Katherine answered and rushed upstairs, not giving Sophia a chance to speak.
"Thank you Laura." Katherine said as Laura left her bags in her room.
She quickly scanned her outfit for ways she could rearrange it. Her shorts were exchanged for a black pencil skirt, the vest she was already wearing was tucked into the skirt, Vans were changed into white high heels and her blue kimono into a black blazer. Katherine pulled her hair into a ponytail, stuffed her bag with all her necessities and rushed out of her bedroom door to the living room to look for her keys.
"Kat, car keys!" Shouted Nick behind her and he threw her the car keys.
Katherine hurried to the door while looking in her bag for her phone while trying to hold the folder that was slipping from her hand. She wasn't looking when she bumped into someone and almost fell. Katherine felt the folder slip from her hand and drop to the floor.
"Shit." They swore in unison. Katherine looked up.
"Katherine" They said at the same time again.
They hadn't seen each other since the night in Seattle. They hadn't even talked since then. Christian crouched and pocked up two files that belonged to the both of them. He handed Katherine her file that was identical to his. Katherine muttered a thanks and rushed out of the house.

KATHERINE walked into the law firm and greeted Maria, the receptionist. She quickly walked to the elevator and pressed the button to her floor. The elevator chimed and Katherine quickly went to her office. She missed the small of the leather and books that surrounded her office. As she sat down, someone knocked on the door and she granted them permission to enter. Her boss walked in and behind him was a grown man in an expensive suit. Katherine stood up and asked the men to take a seat.
"Katherine this is Marcus Howard, your client." Her boss introduced them
"Katherine Williams." She held out her hand and he shook it.
"I will let you get down to business." The boss stated and walked out of the office.
"Mr Howard, I have gone through your case while I was away and all I know are facts but I would like to get information from you about those facts, just so I can be sure that they are accurate." Katherine explained as she took a seat
"It's just Marcus. I know that you are very good at what you do. I trust you very much. So ask me anything you need to know." Marcus replied with a smile.
"I'm thankful for all the trust you have in me. So, I will just go through the folder as there are certain things I am not sure about."
Katherine opened the folder and instead to finding information about Mr Howard, she found writing about a shipping company. She frantically went through the folder and realised that it was a proposal and it was not hers. Her mind went back to bumping in to Christian and dropping her file. Katherine quickly came to the realisation that they mist have switched folder. She closed the folder, defeated, and looked at Marcus
"Anything wrong?" He asked concerned
"I don't know how to say this, but I had your file with me this morning and I bumped into my husband on my way out my home. I dropped my file and I guess it got mixed up with his. I currently have his file." She explained, embarrassed due to the current situation.
"Oh. That has happened to me once. I bumped into my wife and got her file by mistake. I only realised this when I was halfway across the world. It's a honest mistake. How about we reschedule."
Katherine was shocked at how understanding he was.
"No Marcus, how about I go and get the folder from my husband? "Asked a hopeful Katherine
"But won't I be of any inconvenience to you or your plans for today?"
"Don't worry. I had my entire schedule cleared today so I could meet you. Go ahead and get the folder, I can wait."
"How about we have a video conference when I get to my husband's office. I'm sure he won't mind and it will be better than me having to waste time coming back here." Suggested Katherine
"That's a great idea. While I wait, I can talk to Jason. We have some catching up to do." Marcus said, referring to Katherine's boss.
"Sure." Agreed Katherine.
Marcus got up and Katherine promised to talk to him in an hour. Marcus gave her a smile and left the office. Katherine let out a sigh of relief and realised that she had to go to Christian. She quickly grabbed her bag and exited her office. For the second time in a day, Katherine bumped into someone and she felt a cool liquid absorb into her clothes and she felt her skin turn sticky due to the liquid.
"Oh my! Sorry Katherine."  Apologised Jamie, one of her colleges.
"It's okay, Jamie. I luckily have a spare outfit in my office." Reassured Katherine. Part of her was angry at the setback. She wasn't having a good day. Jamie carefully picked up the broken glass as Katherine slowly walked the short distance to her office. She felt the liquid tickle down her body. Katherine locked her door as soon as she got in and closed the curtains, switching on the lights to illuminate her dark office. She walked to the small cupboard, near the bookshelf, and got out a fresh set of clothes. Katherine doubled checked the door and got out wipes. They were the only thing that were going to work in her current state. She striped out of her clothes and used the wipes of remove the sticky liquid as best as she could. She got dressed in a new set of underwear as quickly as she could. Feeling relief at the little clothing that was covering her womanly parts, she looked at her new outfits, grateful that it wasn't creased. Katherine looked at the time and urgency took over her. She slipped into the white vest and tucked it into the black leather skirt she had on. She found a chunky red necklace and put it on. Katherine quickly slipped her shoes on and pulled her hair out of its ponytail, grateful that it was naturally wavey. She ran her hand through it a few times and checked her makeup. Satisfied with her look, she switched the light off, not bothering with the curtains, and left her office. She raced out of the building while she called Nick to find her Christian's whereabouts.

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