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Six years later

"NICK." Katherine called as she shook a sleeping Nick
He stirred from his sleep and finally woke up. Nick sat up and looked at the time before looking at her.
"My love, it's one in the morning, what is it?"
"I'm hungry." Stated Katherine which made Nick sigh
"What do you want to eat?"
"Umh, chocolate ice cream and a large sausage pizza."
"I restocked on the ice cream but we don't have the pizza and I'm sure Ignacio has closed his shop."
"What you don't know is that Ignacio said I can call him anytime if I have a craving for his pizza and he will have it ready for me. So I just need to call him and you can go fetch it from his house." Katherine informed him as she took her phone from the bedside table and punched in a quick text message to Ignacio
"But Kat, you know how important today is, I need to get my sleep. Ignacio's house is a thirty minute drive from here. Why don't you just eat the ice cream now and we can get the pizza later."
"You shouldn't have knocked me up if you weren't willing to get me food when I had cravings." Katherine said angrily as she got out of their bed,with a little difficulty due to her swollen belly.
"Where are you going?" Nick asked as he, too, got out of the bed.
"To get myself some bloody pizza since my fucking husband doesn't want to." Katherine said while putting on her night gown. With one hand on the small of her back for support, Katherine  took her phone and car keys.
"I'll go get the pizza Katherine, sit down."
"No Nicholas, you go back to your beauty sleep. After all it's like you are the one getting married today." Katherine said sarcastically and walked out of the room more angry than she originally was.
"Damn those hormones." Nick mumbled as he followed her.
"Katherine wait!" Nick called after her.
He caught her as she walked into the kitchen to get the keys to the door.
"Kat, why don't you eat this while I go get the pizza?" Nick suggested as he took out the ice cream and strawberries, Katherine's favourite foods during her last trimester.
"I'll eat it when I get back." She replied, not falling for his tricks
"But why eat it later, when you can eat it now and not have to go outside where it's cold? Come on, my love, just let me go." Convinced Nick.
Katherine looked at the food laid out on the counter and on queue, the baby kicked.
"Alessia agrees with you so go." Katherine said while she rubbed her stomach, referring to their baby girl which they had named a month ago.
Nick gave Katherine a kiss and kissed her stomach before leaving.

NICK walked back into the house an hour later, carrying the pizza and a few of Katherine's favourites, which he had bought from a store which was still open. He walked into the kitchen and the first thing he saw was Katherine, with her head laid on her arms, sleeping on the counter. Nick let out a small laugh as he placed the items in the rightful places. He looked at Katherine and saw a small note next to her which read,

'Sorry for overreacting. I love you.'

He tucked the note into his pocket and carried Katherine, bridal style, to their bedroom. After taking off her night gown and shoes, he tucked her into bed and kissed both his girls goodnight. Nick reread the note once again and opened the drawer on his bedside table and took out a small box. The box held all Katherine's 'I'm Sorry' notes during her pregnancy. She was already a hot headed person when she wasn't pregnant but with her hormones all over the place she got worse.
"I just had to fall for the crazy one." Nick mumbled with a smile as he placed the note in the box, put the box back into the drawer and slipped into the bed.

"I feel fat, I look fat, I am fat." Katherine told Nick as she looked at herself in the mirror.
She smoothed her grey dress and fixed her loose side bun. Nick snaked his arms around her waist and laid his head on her shoulder.
"You look beautiful,there's nothing wrong with you."
"You should talk, you aren't the one looking like an elephant, with swollen feet, a baby who won't come out already and having to stay awake at two in the morning because little Miss Sunshine here decided to start kicking like crazy." Complained Katherine
"No, but I do have to stay awake when you need food." Began Nick. "You would look beautiful fat or not." He finished and kissed her cheek.
"I love you. Are the kids ready?" Asked Katherine as she moved away from him and towards the door.
"I'm not sure. Rosa was getting Dakota ready when I left the lounge." Nick answered as he sat on the bed and put on his shoes.
He was dressed in grey slacks, a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and a grey waistcoat.
"I'll go check on them. We need to leave or we will be late." Katherine said and left their room. She walked downstairs to the lounge and found all her children playing in the lounge with their nanny, Rosa.
"Are they ready?" Katherine asked Rosa
"Yes, we were just waiting for you two to get ready." Replied Rosa
"Mommy!" Shouted Kain and ran to her and gave her a hug as the rest of the kids ran behind him to get a chance to hug her.
After giving all five children a hug, Katherine called Nick downstairs and he arrived a few minutes later, carrying the bag packed with Katherine and Alessia's things just in case Katherine gave birth. They all walked out of the house and got into the mini van, which Nick felt horrible about when he had to buy it because it didn't make him feel like the rich man that he truly was. But none of his car could fit his entire family so Katherine told him to suck it up

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