Young Leaves in the Wind

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Warning spoilers alert!
I get this story from one of the chapters from the manga of Akatsuki no Yona.


Flashback, when Yona is 6, Yoko is 8, and Hak and Soo-won are 9.

Yoko's pov:

I sigh in boredom while i followed King Il around the palace.

The King opens the screen door revealing three children in it.

"Hak, Soo-won, Yona i like you all to introduce Yoko." he gestures me behind him. "She will become one of your main servants Yona."

"Nice to meet you all." i bowed lowly to them.

All look curiously at my appearance. I was wearing a huge black cloak, a white kimono that is up on my ankles, a dark purple vest with a v neck, and sandals.

I have not look at the princess, yet. However as i feast my eyes on her, my blood boiled and my wings started to throb in pain. Then a voice came in my mind and said:

"You are now our other halves. You will serve Hiryuu as your master, protecting him with your lives. You will love him, and never betray him."

"Hiryuu? I do not know anything about the legend of Kouka. I knew nothing about it especially Yona is my master and i am just her servant. However, words like these would never say that to me before. Moreover, who is this voice that speaks to me?"

I stayed up and managed not to flinch. The young princess' hair color is red like the color of the blushing dawn.

The King smiled then left because he had a meeting with the other five Generals, leaving Yona, Hak, Soo-won, and in the room.

I sighed. How could i get along with those people?

Time skip>>>

They all get uset to my weirdness. I ignored every single pain in my body especially my wings on my back that i covered it with my cloak. I shuddered while carrying a tray of pot full of tea and cups. Soo-won notices my actions.

"Yoko, are you okay?" the blond boy asked me in concern.

I nodded. "I'm fine... It's just i'm nervous." i smiled weakly at him.

Soo-won touches my forehead.

"Yoko, i think you had a fever." he said then releases his touch.

I flushed in embarassment. "No my lord, it's just i drank too much tea earlier and i walk distance to get here in Kouka kingdom." i pouted.

Soo-won look at me in sweat dropped.

[night time]

Third person's pov:

Yoko was still standing while watching the three children.

"It's always lively outside the castle." said Yona over-looking the balcony. "It's brighter than the stars in the sky. I wonder what's happening."

"Yona, you've never been to the town of the castle?" asked Soo-won.

"The princess has no sense of direction, so she'd get lost." Hak teased while eating a bunch of grapes.

The princess started to throw objects at him. "WHO HAS NO SENSE OF DIRECTION?!" she shouted.

"I'm glad you two such good friends." Soo-won smiled.

"HOW CAN SEE IT LIKE THAT, SOO-WON?!" Yona snapped at her cousin.

After the red haired princess calmed down, she look down.

❇️The Lost Dragon❇️ {An Akatsuki No Yona Fanfiction} ❌Where stories live. Discover now