Leave Fuuga

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[Before dawn]

Yoko's pov:

"Nngh!" i groaned then fluttered my eyes open. "What happened?" i sat up on my futom then rubbed my head in pain. Memories started to flow back on me that made me realized about the events i did earlier.


I was fighting the soldiers without any sign of killing them, i started to have headaches then a voice kept whispering in my mind saying, "Kill. Kill!" i tried to concentrate to the fight, but the voice is irritating and its trying to control me. Good thing i can overcome it because i'm not sad nor angry.

It's so fun fighting the guards, especially throwing them up in the air, then they landed on the trees, and screamed like a girl.

After i left those bozos run away, i quickly put my mask on to ease the stress out. I need to finish this task before my strenght runs out.

Present time...

I moaned and rubbed my head in pain at least my mask is still on my face. "How long did i have been sleeping?" then i heard the door slide open.

'You're awake.' a familiar voice greeted me.

"Suzu?" i turn around and saw a brown haired woman.

'I'm not Suzu. I'm Kotone.' she joked. She is wearing a green kimono and it was held together with a orange sash. She brought along with a tray of food.

"Oh, hello Kotone. I'm Yoko." i played along that we laughed. I folded my arms over my knees while watching her served the food beside me.

"How long did i slept?" i asked while drinking a cup of herbal tea. I just love it when the sweet medicine healed my throat and spread throughout my body.

'More like two days, i guess.' Suzu shrugged like its no big deal.

"T-two days?!" i exclaimed.

XD 'Just kidding!' she laughs. 'You only slept for two hours.'

An irk expression appeared on my face. I furiously throw the cup at her head earning an "ow" from the fox.

Third person's pov:

After Suzu explained everything while Yoko is still unconcious, the black dragon was glad to hear Tae-yeon has already taken his medicine.

After the meal, Yoko started to notice Suzu is completely lost in her thoughts. She asked if there's anything wrong. The yokai shook her head snd answered, 'Nothing. Its just years ago a strong, brave warrior has saved my life.'

"Then who would that be?" Yoko asked, seemed interested at the subject.

'Elder Mundok.'

"What?!" Yoko's jaw dropped in disbelief. "Why him?! He's old!!" she blurted out.

'But that was decades ago. I was in my human form that time he saved me.' the fox explained. 'Besides we parted a long time ago.'

"Hm?" the black dragon was curioused about the nine tails and her life. "Suzu how exactly old are you?"

The yokai hesitated for a moment, then answered, 'You must have noticed that i still kept my disguise on. I lied that i was your cousin and went to the capital to see you.' she dodged the subject.

Yoko shook her head lightly. "Suzu that's not what i meant." as she looked up the nine tails dissappeared. "Gone?" she groaned from the fox for leaving the subject. It made her more curious about the yokai's past that made her wonder if Suzu is about a hundreds of years old.

❇️The Lost Dragon❇️ {An Akatsuki No Yona Fanfiction} ❌Where stories live. Discover now