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Sorry for the long waiting. School days was pretty busy, but i managed to update this story while i was having a vacation at my father's hometown.

Also, my wattpad has gone bugged. It erased every category and description of this story so i changed it. Sorry...


Third person's pov:

They hid behind the wall with a mini forest. Hak crouched down while Yoko kneeled beside Hime-chan. The masked servant put a caramel cloak on Yona, she rest Yona under the tree, and wiped the Princess' tears with her thumb.

Yona is look like a lifeless doll now with tears falling down her cheeks. Yoko was concerned about the princess' reactions after the king's death and 'Soo-won's' betrayal. She just couldn't forgive him.

Min-soo came back after he checked the guards.

The male servant kneeled beside the princess. "Princess, is his majesty truly dead?" he asked.

More salty tears fall from the red haired girl as the male servant said it. She nodded slightly.

"Is that so...? I am truly sorry." he look down. "Yoko told me and it's hard to believe."

The masked girl eyeballed at the male servant. "Told you it's true." she said in her mind.

"Until just a while ago, he was smiling so happy about your birthday." he continued.

They heard the guards searching for the fugitives. Yoko noticed that her skin grew pale again. She knows what it means... Someone will die.

"It's only a matter of time until they find us." said General Hak.

Yoko scans her surroundings. "The troops that came with Lord Soo-won and the troops who supported Lord Soo-won have gathered at Hiryuu castle." she response.

Min-soo thought for a moment then an idea pop in his mind. "I'll secure an escape route for you. You three must escape the castle." he said.

Yoko's eyes widen in disbelief. Does she have to come with them without helping Min-soo?

"But you..." the male servant cut the Raijuu's sentence off.

"Don't worry about me. I'll promise i'll get away." he reassured them.

Time skip>>>

"This leads to the mountains." Yoko pointed them the gate.

The four are still hiding behind the building.

"Alright." the male servant nodded then took out something from his bag which reveals a peach colored cloak that Yona wears at the party. "I'll lead them away."

"Min-soo!" Yoko gasped that she learned he was near to the brink of death. "You can't do this!" she grab his wrist.

He look at her with his eyes filled with hopelessness. He knew that he's going to die and there's no turning back.

"There's got to be another way!" tears started to fall down to her mandible. Yoko cannot let her loyal friend die. Actually, she doesn't want to see any more of losing someone again.

"Yoko..." he gaze at the masked girl. "You promised to King Il that you'll take care the princess no matter what happen."

The masked girl looked down. There is no choice, Min-soo already taken the path and he will risk his life to save the others.

"I promise that i'll escaped." he told her.

Yoko was clouded on her thoughts. She didn't think twice that she threw her arms around the male servant.

❇️The Lost Dragon❇️ {An Akatsuki No Yona Fanfiction} ❌Where stories live. Discover now