The Priest

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Third person's pov:

"You're...the Priest?" said the red haired Princess. "I heard that Uncle Yu-hon oppressed you, so i thought you would be more of an old man."

"If you ask me, he's plenty old." the Bishounen commented while carrying a basket of clothes.

Ik-soo-> 33 years old

"That was my predecessor. I'm his successor." the priest corrected.

"You knew that we'll be coming here, too?" Yoko asked, now sitting on the bed with her extra mask holding the crutches that rested on her shoulder.

"Yes!" he answered. "It is my job to convey the voice of god. God teaches me everything about this world." he explained while kneeling down with his hands fold at each other.

However, the Bishounen said, "What job?! You don't make any money. You do nothing but to kneel every single day." he strips off the priest's dirty clothes and tosses the clean ones at him. "You were driven out of the castle because claiming to hear the voice if god was suspicious in the first place!"

"Why was he driven out?" Yona asked that the three turn to her.

"I'm rather shocked." Yoon spoke up. "You lived in the castle and you don't know? Do this friend of yours doesn't know as well?"

The red haired girl hesitated. Yoko knew about this, but King Il forbid her to tell it to Yona. The two were quiet until they heard Hak groaned as he tried to move.

"Hak!!" the two rushed towards the Raijuu. Yoko was using her crutches to stand up.

"Back away. He has a fever." the Bishounen told them. "His fever won't go down for a little while due to the surgery i performed. Tonight will be... important."

"Save Hak...!" Yona demanded.

"...That's what I'm doing. It would be troublesome if he died. But I'm not a doctor." he told her. "Don't think that helping you is what I'm supposed to do. You still haven't given a single word of gratitude. Have you ever even said a word of thanks to this guy and her?" Yoko could tell he was talking about injured Hak and her. "Even though they go this far to risk their lives to protect you?"

Ik-soo placed his hand onto the Princess' shoulder. "It's alright. He hasn't met the god of death yet." the Priest reassured her. "He will come back to you."

"Yona-sama..." Yoko caressed Yona's head for comfort. She could see tears falling down on the Princess' cheeks. Ik-soo and Yoon are having a little conversation for a while.

Time skip>>>

[Night time]

Everyone fell asleep and Hak is still unconscious. Yoko thought it was a perfect time to find her weapons since her bag is here.

Walking alone in the forest with her crutches below her armpits and her hands grasped the pole to hold them. It was cold but she ignored it.

After an hour later, she found her bow and her arrows are still intact inside the quiver. She slowly sat down using the crutches to support her, then took her bow and quiver and place them behind her back.

After that, she turn around and return back to the hut, but she stopped her tracks as she saw the Priest seat with his legs crossed on the edge of the cliff, in front of the waterfall.

"Priest?" she tilted her head in confusion.

The blond male turn his head at her direction then said, "Oh! You're awake." she noticed there were tears falling down on his cheeks, but she didn't talk about it.

❇️The Lost Dragon❇️ {An Akatsuki No Yona Fanfiction} ❌Where stories live. Discover now