Clear as a Glass part 2

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Yoko's pov:

Yona-hime and i, are in her room hiding. She is trying to avoid Soo-won for his sake from Kan Tae-jun.

"Hime-chan. You look glum than usual." i commented.

o_O "S-Shut up Servant!" she yelled then buried her face again on the table. "It's just... Hak is angry at me. I was just asking for help." she answered.

I pour her a cup of herbal tea to help her relax. "Hm- I did somehow noticed that Hak doesn't seemed in a good mood earlier." i sat down at the table in front of her.

I pour myself a cup of herbal tea and drink it. "You shouldn't asked too much to him. It could stress him out." i commented then place my cup on the table. "Why can't you asked Soo-won instead? He is your cousin and your crush, after all."

0///0 She raised up. "You sounded just like Hak and also, i can't...!" she flushed. "I don't want anyone to hear more about this especially Soo-won."

"-_- I deadpan. "Yona. You shouldn't asked too much to someone. Your a big girl now and you need to handle by your own. In that case, why don't you give Hak a peace offering?" i commented.


"You said he's angry at you. Maybe he'll forgive you if you give something to him."

My words made her lightened her up. "Your right!" she stood up and left her room.

I stare at the cup of tea that Yona didn't touched. I sighed in complete boredom and thought, "Yona doesn't even drink her tea, not even a single sip."

Time skip>>>

I stride down the bleak hallways as usual. Its so boring. Remembering my childhood memories, whenever Hak and Soo-won visited the palace it's always fun.

"Sigh~ I wished that somehow this palace won't be boring as usual." i pondered.

I scratch my hair and adjust my mask on my face. Now what will i do? I accidentally bump into someone.

"I'm so sorry." i apologised and look at him. "Soo-won?" i was surprised to see him.

(A/N: Soo-won's hair is not long that time, but he still tied his hair.)

"Yoko-san, it's good to see you. :)" he greeted.

I pouted in boredom. "Yeah- Great to see you too." i greeted back.

He tilted his head. "Yoko why aren't you smiling? You always do that everytime." he asked me.

"Not in this time." i replied. "I was so bored today and i can't get into your royalty games Soo-won." i answered in my mind.

"Oh-" he sweat dropped. "So, where's Yona? I want to meet her." he turn his head left and right then walked foward away.

o_O "W-wait. Soo-won." i blocked him. "Yona isn't feel well today. I think it is the best for not visiting her in this time."

"Are you sure?"

"Y-yes." i justified my answer. "Her condition is worst and it'll effect you immediately if you get close to her. That's why i can't serve her today." i lied. "Gomenansai Soo-won, but Yona told me not to."

"I see..." he look down then smiled again. "In that case please say hello to Yona for me. I hope she gets better." he left.

I sweat dropped. "Whoa. He changed his expressions in a quick pace."

"No!" i heard Yona's voice nearby.

I peeked beside the building and saw Yona facing Tae-jun, protesting that she will not go with him. I smirked, "Looks like she followed my advise." I watched then i saw the lord tried to get Yona closer to him, but she's struggling to set free. Anger surges inside me. "How disrespectful!"

❇️The Lost Dragon❇️ {An Akatsuki No Yona Fanfiction} ❌Where stories live. Discover now