Clear as a Glass part 1

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To be honest, i felt so selfish if i used the new story titled: Author Cat's Chatroom. So, i changed it with " The Randomness With Cat & Juray (Chatroom)". Hope you like it. :)

Yoko's pov:

I remembered something 3 years ago, as if it were like clear as a glass in my head that never leave my mind.


3 years ago...

I watched the princess choosing her kimonos while i was busy arranging her expensive jewelries and her other kimonos that she didn't chose.

I secure the bow on my mask tighter. I glance over the rainbow colored clothes.

"So Princess...why are you this hurry today?" i asked her.

"Soo-won is coming, so i have to get ready!" she answered, then dabbed herself with over-scented perfume.

I grimace from the over-expensive aroma that i took my clean handkerchief under my vest, and cover my nose from the horrible scent.

"Just Soo-won, huh?" i raised my brows.

Earlier ago, a female servant told us about the five tribe's meeting.


I was standing at the corner 3 meters away from the wall. My hands are clasps behind my back while watching the king and princess eat their breakfast.

The sliding door opens to reveal a female servant. She bowed respectively to his majesty. "Sorry for the disturbance Emperor Il, but they have arrived."

"Good." he nodded.

"Father, who's coming?" Yona asked him.

"The five generals." the Emperor replied.

"There are also guests coming his majesty." the servant added. "Hak, Soo-won, and..." her sentence was cut off by Yona.

"SOO-WON IS COMING?!" she jump off her seat and dashed out of the room.

I shook my head from the princess' reactions. She didn't even touched her food, not even a single bite. I pick up her plate.

"Such an energetic girl..." the king sighed.

"Master Kan Tae-jun is also coming." the female servant added which made me nearly drop the food.

"Shit! One of the guests that i don't want to see is that nuissance-speech-iching idiot."

I bowed lowly to the emperor. "Your majesty...may i please leave?" he nodded in 'yes'.

I left the room and find the princess. "She'll be dead if she sees him, but i'll had a little fun with that girl to teach her a lesson."

A sly grin curved on my lips.

Present time...

Once Yona-hime is already prepared, i could sense Kan Tae-jun's presence coming.

"Oh, Yona~!" i smirk. "You don't know Master Kan Tae-jun is also coming." i hummed.

She froze. Right before she would even react, Tae-jun started to call the Princess.

"Hide me!" she changed the subject and hid behind me.

"Mr. Kan Tae-jun still can see you, Yo-" my words cut off when a familiar silver haired man opens the sliding door.

"Yona-hime!" a huge grin appeared on his face when he saw her behind me.

"Everytime he visits the castle, he tried to woe Yona so he could make her fall for him. I know the fire tribe tried to steal the throne and also, the late empress didn't bore a son." i narrowed my eyes at him. "I really hate that baka (idiot). Also, his ego."

❇️The Lost Dragon❇️ {An Akatsuki No Yona Fanfiction} ❌Where stories live. Discover now