Searching for the Princess (edited)

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Ps. Sorry, i edited the first chapter and deleted the others. I was a little stressed out that time T-T. Thanks Madzy1234 for your comment!


Yoko's pov:

"This is all my fault. If i haven't keep an eye on Yona, then none of this would happen."

We searched for Yona around the street, but still no luck. We can't call her name in public either.

"This is bad. With the princess being that small, she'll be swept away in this crowd." Hak gritted his teeth and balled his fist.

I look down. "I'm so sorry." i clenched my dress.

The two boys turn at me.

"If i shouldn't have let go of the princess, then none of this would have happened." my words are stinged with guilt.

Hak patted my head. "It's ok Yoko. Besides, its not your fault that we lost the princess."

I hesitated, but maybe he's right. Its not my fault, i may have distracted by Mr. Kan Tae-jun that made me slipped my fingers away from her.

Then Soo-won's character changes with determination. "Hak, Yoko. Come with me."

He brought us to the dark alley. It was quite scary here.

"Hey it's kinda getting more and more dark." Hak responded.

"Soo-won where are you taking us?" i asked suspiciously with a chill running down my spine.

"Won!" We stop as we saw a group of drunkards at the clearing. "It's been a while! How've you been?" the man who calls Won grinned.

"Hey, kid. Come here." the man with a smoking pipe and a woman massaging his back grinned at us.

Hak's pov:

"Won?" i sweat dropped from the name.

"It's been a long time guys." Soo-won greeted.

"Won~ how old are you? Want to drink with us?" the man asked him.

"I can't drink." he replied politely.

"Hey, who are these drunkards?" i whispered at the him. And who is "Won"?

"They're a group of old people who talk to me whenever i come to town." he replied.

"They talk with you? Then they're not group of scoundrels?" Yoko asked in disbelief.

"They're all good people." Soo-won replied.

"You were lying when you said you only came a few times, weren't you?" i said. He didn't answered.

Yoko crossed her arms. "So, you come here a lot, disguising your identity, don't you?" she continue.

"But i can listen to a lot of interesting things they say." he replied. "Um, we're looking for a lost child. She's a red-haired six-year-old girl." he told the drunkards.

They answered 'no'. So, he approach to an old man who is playing ougi, it's like Kouka's shougi, a japanese chess.

"Ogi, did you see her?" he asked him.

"I don't know. I've been gambling at ougi all day today." he replied. "GAAAH! DAMMIT!!"

"You shouldn't talk to him. He keeps losing and is on edge." the man with a smoke pipe and woman told him.

"But a lost girl? Isn't that bad?" a random man asked us.

"Bad?" i was puzzled from it.

"I hear there has been a kidnapping operation in the area lately that targets kids."

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