A Very Sad Announcement

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The title says it all my dearest readers. I am really, really sorry that I never got to update "The Lost Dragon", but I never abandon this story of course. Sadly, I will be no longer updating this book.

Don't pout because I will be publishing a new and better version of TLD. There will be no wrong grammies and spellies as promise. Of course, I will keeping this old versh for you all. The days turn to years as it goes by and my writing has been improving lately.

The truth is, i wrote this story since I was 13. It was rush though and I never take it seriously. I'm doing this because of frustration and many emotions that is hard to comprehend of what happened in real life. It sucks though that I found out that I had depression.

I still have many stories that needs to be complete and publish here in Wattpad. There are good fan fictions from other fandoms and I hope you will enjoy them. Well, I'll announce it to you all or just browse in my profile you know what I mean.

And wow, I am so happy thanks to your support everyone. Nothing makes me feel elated when you guys ready stories and that's all I wanted. If only... I just want to hug you all and give you cookies or anything that are sweets!

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