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Suzu's pov:

I skipped on the roof tiles while humming. 😊 After I exterminated the demons, I accidentally transported to this place. 'I wonder what happen to Yoko-san and the others.' I pouted. They're probably staying overnight in the campfire while eating Yoko-san's onigiris.

I jump off the roof and landed softly on the ground on my two feet. Being small and light-weighted really does helpful. But I'm still thinking about the onigiris. Waaah!! 😭😭😭😭🍙🍙🍙🍙🍙🍙🍙🍙🍙 RICE BALLSSSSS!!!

"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. Master Tae-jun. What brought you here today?" i turn to the source of voice and saw Soo-won-sama approached to the silver haired man. Well, it's fine to get close to them because they can't see me. ^_^

To his surprise, Tae-jun-sama's face is filled with the colors of grief, guilt, burden, and despair. I wonder what happened to him, or maybe...

"I apologize... For coming one day before your important coronation ceremony. I came because...there is something i wanted to give you at all costs." he handed a neatly folded cloth to Soo-won. He unfolded it and saw a familiar strands of red hair tied together in a yellow ribbon. "Princess Yona...has died."

My eyes widened in shocked and disbelief as I heard his last word like in a slow motion.

"On the border of the Fire and the northern mountains...we pursued General Hak and Princess Yona... We almost had them, but the two of them fell to the bottom of the valley... Along with their companion, named Yoko." he added.

My protective instincts started kicked in as I balled my fist in anger, ready to punch that guy or shredding him off layer by layer. In reality, i calmed my anger down. I know they didn't die. If they did, then i would feel broken inside my heart, twice perhaps, adding Kahuryuu's death.

As for Soo-won-sama, he is still speechless while staring at the very familiar red hair on his hands.

"What? They fell from that cliff...?" Kye-sook broke in. I really hate that guy -_- for ruining the moment here. "Lord Soo-won gave you the orders to inform him if they were found. And of all the things you could have, you chased Yona-hime and ended up killing her. This is a big act of treason, Kan Tae-jun-sama."

I crossed my arms and narrowed my gaze at those two real traitors. 'As if... You guys were the ones who committed upon a bigger crime than Tae-jun's.'

"That's right... I...killed her." Tae-jun lowered his head. "Please pass your judgment on me..."

"Lord Soo-won?" Kye-sook turns to the blond male.

Soo-won was quiet for a while then spoke, "Rest at the castle for today. I want you to attend the coronation ceremony tomorrow." that's all he said, but I know in his eyes there were hidden sadness and regret in it.

"No! Punish me! Please!" Tae-jun begged as he rushed to the lord.

"Tae-jun-sama!" Kye-sook blocked him as Soo-won left the two.

Should i follow him?

I turn around and left them with a dark aura emitting on my face. I don't know if i could see more of this.

Time skip>>>

The light started to brightened. 'Dawn already?' i yawned and stare at the sunrise peeking out from the mountains.

My ears twitched as i heard noises nearby. Curiously, i followed it and saw the main courtyard filled with Kouka citizens and the five tribe generals are also participated.

❇️The Lost Dragon❇️ {An Akatsuki No Yona Fanfiction} ❌Where stories live. Discover now