The Land of the Wind Tribe

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Yoko's pov:

We hasten as we climb up the last moutain, Hak know that the guards will be searching us right now. To be honest, i don't used to travel on foot because i use my wings to fly distances. So, i ended up lagged behind them, panting from out of breath.

I collapse on the ground flat, exhausted from travelling.

The General saw my actions, then approach towards to me, and he carried me by the waist on his left arm. Yoko-*sweat dropped*

Yona-chan followed behind with her hood up to cover her red hair.

Hak stopped. "The Wind tribe is already in sight." he announced.

I lifted my head and saw the mountain city nearly covered in fog. I hanged my jaw in awe.

°o° "This is capital, Fuuga!" i was mesmerized from the view. It's my first time to visit Hak's hometown. It felt like my energy has come back again. However, i didn't realized that the Raijuu dropped me.

"Hey!" i yelled.

"Shut up and let's go." he response. "Or we'll leave you behind." he snickered as he place his hand on Yona's back, pushing her gently as they walked away. Yona only do is to gaze at me with a Yoko-don't-leave look.

My eyes widened at her expression. "This is stupid...!" I stood up on my own weight and shouted, "Wait for me!" i managed to run towards to them.

Time skip>>>

We arrived at the gates and saw two guards leaning at each other, snoring peacefully. Then Hak kicked the two.

"What was that?" the blonde one turn at us while the two rubbed their butts in pain.

"Does this tribe think patrolling is when you take afternoon naps?" the General response.

I glare at him. "Hmp! What happened to General Hak's afternoon nap thing?" i crossed my arms.

"Ah!" the blondie recognise him. "Lord Hak?"

"Yo." the Raijuu greeted. Both me and Yona are behind him with our hoods up. I didn't wear my mask before we went the city. So the citizens won't get suspicious at my looks.

(Author: My seatmate laughs when Hak said, "Hey" 0.0)

"Heh... It's been so long. About 10 years, right?" the black haired guard yawned.

"It's been about 3 years." their chief corrected.

"Why're you here?" the black one continued.

"Was the General fired? Oh well, there's always next time." the blondie teased.

"Lazy as usual." the Thunder Beast sighed.

"We are the wind clan. We live only the wind blows. When we're sleepy, we sleep~" the two boys chanted.

"Who sent these guys out to patrol?" Hak sweat dropped.

I approached to Hak and whispered at his ear, "Who're those guys?" i asked him.

"Tae-woo and Han-dae." he replied.

"Chief~" a herd of girls started to approach us and greeted General Hak. I think they're Hak's admirers.

I scan our surroundings. I guess they haven't heard anything from the castle yet. Then the girls started to crowded me and Yona.

"Who are these girls?" they turn at us. "Are you Lord Hak's companions?" one of them asked us.

"She is the castle court lady in training." Hak explained pointing at Yona-hime. Really? A court lady?! I sweat dropped at Hak's explainations. "And she is..." i cut him off.

❇️The Lost Dragon❇️ {An Akatsuki No Yona Fanfiction} ❌Where stories live. Discover now