Grown up (edited)

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Today, i'm using the manga of akatsuki no yona. The truth is, my parents never allowed to download movies like cartoons without the supervision from them. Especially, they didn't allowed me to download an anime T^T.


Ten years later...

Yoko's pov:

Ten years later, we have all grown up and changed.

Yona is getting a bit spoiled and naive; Hak became the wind tribe general and Yona's bodygaurd (i'm jealous -_-); Soo-won... Well, stays the same, and changes a bit; as for me, i am still a servant usually wears a cloak during cold weathers and a half mask that covers my eyes on hot weathers. I don't usually bond with them anymore, unlike when we are kids, and Yona calls me now a 'servant' not 'Yoko'.

"Hey father, my hair it's weird, isn't it?" Yona-hime asked King Il.

Really?! Does it had to be the hair? I was standing beside Min-soo, King Il's loyal servant, carrying a trayful of tea set. I am wearing a half mask to cover my eyes without wearing my cloak.

(A/N: Min-soo was Yoko's closest friend. Other than Hak.)

"It's not weird." the father smiles lightly. "Your beauty outshines any gem."

"I think i was born with an admirable face, too. But father..." she twirls her red curly locks with her fingers. "This hair! Why is it so red? Even my deceased mother had flowing black hair. It makes me look weird~!" she furiously waves her arms in the air.

A small bead of sweat appear on the King's cheek. "It's not true. Right, Hak?" he turn to the Raijuu.

"Yes, Emperor Il. Nobody has said that the Princess' hair is strange." he bowed to the King. "But if i may be so bold to say... There's definitely something wrong with her head."

I face palmed. Really, Hak?! To be honest, i see there's nothing wrong with Yona's hair. It was beautiful like the color of the blushing dawn.

"Shut up servant." Hime-chan started to throw objects at her bodyguard and the Raijuu just took the objects that she threw. "Father do something about this guy! Even though he's my servant, he's so arrogant!"

"Now, now. Hak is a childhood friend of yours, right?" the Emporer stated calmly. "Besides, Hak is the General Commander of the castle at just 18. It's only natural that he'd be your bodyguard."

"You don't understand! If i'm going to have a bodygaurd, then they have to be cuter!" she stammers.

"You don't mind looking cute yourself?" the Raijuu's words just made the princess stop. "It seems he's already arrived. Lord Soo-won." Hak announced while i pour him a cup of tea.

"Why didn't you say that sooner?!" the princess dashed outside.

"Soo-won?" a bead of sweat appear on the King's cheek. "Is that why she was worried about her hair? He won't mind her hair. He's her cousin."

"You don't understand women, do you?" the Raiju sip his tea.

"What?!" the King sweat dropped.

"Um...King Il, may i please follow the Princess?" i bowed lowly at the Highness.

He nodded in 'yes'. I left the room then follow the princess. Yona-hime loves Soo-won and always go energetic about his visits to the Hiryuu castle. Soo-won told us he always take care of Yona since they are little after the Empress' death, as a replace of becoming her mother.

The Hiryuu castle is so huge, but i know the directions for a long time. The princess is the only thing that is hard to find. I'd always follow Yona behind whenever she goes. I don't feel comfortable without keeping an eye on her. Then i bump into someone with an 'oof'.

❇️The Lost Dragon❇️ {An Akatsuki No Yona Fanfiction} ❌Where stories live. Discover now