Awakening of Hiryuu

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Third person's pov:

The three are sitting behind the rock near the edge of the cliff. Before departing, Mundok told them about a Priest that can read the future of Kouka kingdom. He is living in place away from people which is between the borders of Fuuga and Saika. They are looking for him to tell what path should they take.

The two girls are wearing their cloaks with hood. Yona's is caramel and Yoko's is black. The black haired girl still kept her mask on.

"He's secluded from populated we came here to look, but this doesn't look like a place where people can live in the first place." Yoko commented while polishing her twin daggers.

"Well, if you lived here, you would probably tumble off a cliff right away, but others manage to live somehow." the black haired male informed. "If they're near a river."

The masked girl nodded at Hak's theory, but Yona has a different reaction, "Hey shut up. But in mountains as cold as these...?" she make some sense.

"The northern land that this Fire tribe controls is even more barren." the two turned to Yoko. "Nobody bothers with this place, so it may be surprisingly be a fine place to live." she said then tuck her weapons under her sleeves.

(A/N: Yoko only knows the information from the nine tails and during her travels two years ago.)

Yoko's pov:

"Anyway..." Hak stood up and scanned the surroundings. "Unless we come across something in the vicinity, we'll have to sleep outdoors."

"Outdoors? I'm bit used to it." Yona stated positively.

"It's not like the mountains by the castle. It's freezing here." i told her.

"Then i'll nestle up between you two to sleep." her words made the Raijuu dropped his Quandao that made me burst into laughter and i tried to cover my mouth from it, but failed. He approached towards her then say things which i had no interests to listen, since i know Hak would never do that to Hime-chan. If he did, then i'll throw him off the cliff myself.

I stood up and walked a few meters away from them. I froze as i heard footsteps coming closer to our direction.

"Hey Lovebirds! Stop the naughty things because it looks like soldiers are coming." i called as i turn my gaze back to them. They gave me a "lovebirdss?" look. Hak sensed it too, then had a few teases at the princess which made her totally pissed off, and stood up next to me with Yona-hime behind us. "Are you ready Raijuu?" i asked.

"I did my warm-up." he replied. "Shall we get to work?" we spotted the Fire tribe soldiers are charging towards us. "Don't let go of us...Princess." he remove the cloth on his spear and took a single slash at the guards that caused them to fly away with a wound.

Looks like he did the dramatic entry. More soldiers are coming and in front of them is a person that i really hate, Lord Kan Tae-jun.

"The Thunder Beast Raijuu is in good shape, huh?" said the Lord. "General Son Hak and Princess Yona, as well." i sweat dropped, realizing that he didn't noticed me or didn't recognise the servant that he always yelled at. "I, Kan Tae-jun of the Fire tribe have been waiting for this moment a long time."

We didn't listen to his "speech", instead we sat down at the edge of the cliff while watching the scenery.

"Look like its gonna rain." the Raijuu commented while looking up on the skies, cupping his hands above his eyes to avoid the refection of the sunlight.

"R-r-rain?!" i stuttered in disbelief. "Don't tell me it's one of your tricks again Raijuu?" a bead of nervous sweat appeared on my cheek.

"It really is Yoko." Yona pointed out the black specks from the sky.

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