I'm Going To Tell Her I Like Her

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"nuurgh." I grunted as I held the bar over my head. My spotter was behind me.

"Okay, just two more and you can be done Marcel." He said to me as I brought the bar to my bare chest.

I like to workout until I drenched my shirt in sweat then I stripped it off. All the girls in the gym stared at me everytime. I quite liked all the attention actually.

Here at the gym I was a different Marcel. I was confident and I put a lot of hard work in.

No, I wasn't flirty or talkative. I was just a little braver in what I did.

The bar went up and down a few more times before I lifted it up and set it on the frame.

"Good job Marcel. I think we can almost more up to 190 pounds next week."

My spotter was also my trainer. He had been since I came in here the scrawny little 100 pounds I was. I could barely lift ten pounds I was so weak. But now here I am lifting up more than I weigh.

"Okay cool. Thanks for today, Jarvis. " I say and sit up on the bench.

"No problem at all, Styles." He said clapping his hand on my sweaty back. "You know what's weird. I have another client that has the same last name as you. He even resembles you a bit. Huh."

"Oh." Is all I can say while I sip my water. I wonder if he's talking about Harry Styles.

He walks away, leaving me to myself.  

A girl in a bright blue sports bar and black yoga shorts was staring at me from the eliptical machines. I took my water and gulped it down. Then I poured the rest on my sweaty, curly hair.

She missed a beat and almost fell off the machine. I turned away and stifled a laugh.

I picked up my sweaty t-shirt and headed to the locker rooms. There wasn't anyone in there, so I figured it would be okay to take a quick shower.

I found my bag and pulled out some of the extra sweats I had brought. I grabbed my towel and went to the showers. There wasn't another shirt so it looked like I had to drive home shirtless. I grabbed my towel and went to the showers.

Great. I really didn't want to walk into the house with no shirt on and have Mrs. Slovak staring at me.

She's turned really weird since I had last seen her over 3 years ago. I wonder what could have happened to her.

There wasn't anyone in the showers so I picked the one all the way at the end. I didn't have any shampoo or soap with me, so it was just kind of rinsing the sweat off, but its better than nothing right?

A bug crawled across the floor and I watched it while I turned the water on.

How disgusting.

I hurried up and massaged my soon to be sore areas. The warm water was soothing at first, but then it began to just become numbing. I turned the water off and wrapped the towel around my waist. My hands ran over my wet hair slicking it back and pushing excess water off.

That was a great workout. I wasn't thinking about anything the whole time. It was just me and my muslces.

My bag was sitting on a bench with my clothes. There was still no one in the locker room, luckily.

I dried myself of and started to put on my clothes. I saw my phone sitting there at the bottom of my bag.

I wonder if Ember tried to call me.

When I picked it up and tapped the lock button,the screen showed 2 missed calls.

So she had tried. Now I felt bad because she actually kept her word.

Should I call her back? Nah, wait until you're home Marcel.

I shrugged and shoved the phone in my sweats pocket. I stuff in my sweaty clothes and towel and zipped it up.

Tossing it over my arm, I took a sip from my other water bottle and left the gym. With no shirt.

As I was walking out I could see an old couple in the corner giving me daggers, but I didn't care. I looked down at myself. My broad chest and my nice defined abs.

You know, Marcel, it would look bad ass if you got tattoos.

No no. Tattoos weren't my thing. But maybe someday, I would get one. If it was with Ember. I wonder if she has any. I'll have to ask her later.

I found my parked car and got in, driving home. When I arrived there were no cars in the driveway, so that meant Mom and Dad still weren't home. Good.

I parked and tried to quietly sneak in the house. All the lights were off, but I could hear the faint sound of the news coming from the den. I crept slowly to my room, cringing at each creak the floorboards made. My door was shut, just like I had left it so Mrs. Slovak wasn't in here.

She didn't even sleep in here anyway. She slept in the den. And boy was I thankful for that. I set my bag on the ground and went to grab a t shirt from behind my bed. I knew it was there because I had thrown it there the other day when I took it off because I was hot.

It was better than having to go to the laundry room to get a fresh one. I laid down and my bed and I couldn't stop myself from thinking.

Ember was on my mind again.

Like she always was.

I wonder if I should just be up front about everything and tell her that I like her.

Would she run away and call me a freak? Especially now that she's friends with the most popular girls in the school?

These past few days have just been such a rush for me. Its like I was happy it was happening, but it was so overwhelming.

I lifted up my shirt and began to run my hand over my sore abs.

"I wish Ember was here to rub them for me." I said outloud. Not quite sure if it was to myself, or Leeroy over in his glass tank.

Wait. Maybe if I call her, she'll want to come over. And I could just confess everything to her and she could massage me.

Oh, Marcel! Are you hearing yourself right now? You're pathetic to think she would ever like you back! You're just a friend, maybe not even!

These voices in my head. They just keep coming back. I shook my head and pulled out my phone. I was going to do it. I was going to call Ember. I am going to tell her I like her.

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