Out Of Body Experience

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"Why?" Marcel grips onto me tighter. Harry does the same to Emily.

"Because, we have found matches. And they happen to be your fingerprints. Now lets go before you make things worse." Officer Rossdale says, annoyance clear in her voice.

"No. Tell us what you have found the fingerprints on." Harry demands.

"The gun." And with that she snaps her fingers. Seconds later two tall brawny officers drag Marcel and Harry away from us.

"No! You can't take them! They didn't do anything wrong!" I scream hysterically. They can't take them. They just can't.

Emily catches my arm as I swat out at Officer Rossdale.

"You're a bitch." She snarls at the officer before escorting me out the door. I'm in tears as we see Marcel and Harry being handcuffed down the hallway. I try to get away from Emily, but her grasp is firm.

Harry is still yelling that they are innocent and they never touched the gun. He only touched the body to move it.

Emily pulls me away, I'm too flustered to notice that she has tears in her eyes too. They make dark circles on her sweatshirt as they fall from her chin.

"Come on." She pulls me as I begin to scream Marcel's name. He looks up, pain clear in his eyes. He starts to run to me, but a cop catches his arm and stops him.

"Marcel, no! You didn't do anything!" I wail. I'm putting up a fight as Emily is trying to drag me out. She can not pull me any further. Even though I know I should go with her, I can't leave Marcel here. Not him.

"I love you, Ember!" Marcel screams to me from down the long hallway. My heart sinks as I watch Harry being towed away by the police. He is silent. Marcel screams he loves me again before he is pushed to follow Harry.

Will this be the last time I ever hear it? Please no.

I can't scream anything but unintelligible words back.

Everything starts to spin, it all disappears in a pool full of dark, dark black.


White. All I can see is white.

Where am I?

My long white gown flutters around me as a cool chilling breeze whips past. I turn around to face it and scream when I see a person staring back at me.

"Ember?" It calls and steps closer. Once the person comes into view I can see who it is now. With his tall frame, dark hair, and bright green eyes. It's Jimmy.

I can't speak. I'm frozen in fear. What is this? Isn't he dead? Where am I?

"Please don't be afraid, beautiful." Jimmy says softly. He lightly caresses my arm sending chills up my spine. "You know I would never ever physically hurt you. Don't be afraid."

"What happened? Aren't you dead?" Then the realization hits me. "Am I dead?"

"Yes I am dead, but you are not. Have you ever heard of out of body experinces?" He says and puts his arm around me. A gray bench appears in front of us and he leads me to sit.

"W-what about them?" I fix my white dress. Why was I wearing a dress? I was in jeans and a hoodie before.

"Well, you are having one now. Sometimes they are caused by a lot of stress or occasionally someone up here misses you." Jimmy explains.

"You miss me?" I speak softly and look into his eyes. Those green eyes that I've missed. However, they aren't anything compared to Marcel's.


"I do. But I would never be selfish enough to call you up here." He explains.

"So, I'm here because I'm stressed?" I am utterly confused.

"Yes. You needed a break from the real world so your body let your soul out."

"This is nuts. I'm just having a bad dream and I need to wake up." I shake my head furiously, my blond hair flying around.

"Stop. Stop. You aren't dreaming." He takes my head in his hands.  "You're going to have to go back to your body soon. I want to explain things to you."

I just stare up at him and wait for him to continue. What else can I do?

"First of all, Marcel and Harry did not kill me. Johnny did." My shoulders tremble at the mention of that creep.

"He is pinning it on Marcel and Harry, because if they are gone, you and now Emily are easier to get. His step-mom is working with him. She is just as devious as him."

"What?" I say, but he shushes me.

"Yes, he did want to kill her before, but then decided that she was a better asset. Of course Marcel and Harry did not touch the gun. She's lying."

"But won't the other officers take notice when they look for themselves?" I can't help but ask.

"No. They thought it through. Johnny has Marcel's phone, therefore has his fingerprints."

"How is that useful and what about Harry's?"

"Let me explain. You always were very inquisitive." He smiles at me. "Anyway, he got Harry's from online. Those directioner's somehow have it. Quite weird."

"How did he put the prints on the gun?" I try to keep him on track. My dress is starting to fall away slowly. I assume that it's indicating my time left here with Jimmy.

"He had stamps made up. One of Harry's print and one of Marcel's. After killed me, he wiped the gun clean and placed those stamps all over the gun." Jimmy furrows his brow.  "I should have known he would find me there. After all he was the one that told me you were going to be there."

"Wait, what? How does he know that?" My pulse quickens as my jeans appear on my legs.

"He has Marcel's phone." Jimmy says simply as if I am supposed to know what that means. "Ember, I want you to know that I was not working with Johnny. I was simply taking matters into my own hands. I was going to get rid of him once and for all. I wrote that note to you not knowing if I was going to see you in the future or not. No it was not a suicide note.

"Well at least not in a sense that I would physically kill myself, but Johnny would kill me. Which he did as I was finishing the letter. You got that right?" He says as I look down at myself.

My sweater appears on my body, my feet slowly beginning to fade away now.

"Yea, it was beautiful Jimmy. But if you didn't finish why was it folded?" I ask as my legs fade now.

"Johnny did." He shrugs. "It's your time now. I promise I will always look after you."

A tear slips out of my eye as everything starts to fade. The last thing I see is Jimmy's peaceful smile.

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