Achilles Heel

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"What the he.." Johnny screamed as he fell to the ground, me landing and top of him. Jimmy stood there stunned.

I thought I had Johnny pinned, but yet again he proved how strong he was a flipped me off his back and onto my own.

A sharp pain shot through my spine and I clenched my teeth. This was something I had never felt before.

Johnny stood up, lumbering over to Jimmy who prepared for the attack. His blow to Jimmy was enough to knock him backwards a couple of feet, but he stood his ground and hit back.

I was still on my back, slowly trying to get up. A gleam caught my eye, the knife.

Do it Harry. Just do it.

My hand reached for the weapon, I had to crawl to it because I could barely move. I felt the stickyness of Johnny's blood on the blade and I grasped the handle firmly.

I couldn't stand up so I was going to have to go for a low hit on him. The two boys were still fighting, each throwing punches and only damaging the other slightly. But then Johnny caught Jimmy at a weak moment, and hit him straight in the stomach. Jimmy bent over in pain as he tried to block the blows.

This is your chance Harry.

I flipped over onto my stomach, cringing as the pain shot through my body. On my elbows and knees I crawled over to Johnny positioning myself next to his leg. He moved slightly to follow Jimmy's blocking motions. I took and deep breath and then I dug the knife deep into his Achilles heel. He howled in pain, forgetting about Jimmy and I and he fell to the ground clutching his leg.

The knife thumped to the ground and Jimmy looked momentarily frozen.

"Well lets get out of here!" I said to him as I tried to stand up. The pain gone for an instant as I felt the adrenaline rushing through me. He nodded his head and reached for me, yanking me up. Jimmy followed me as I quickly hobbled to my car.

"Uhm..." He paused by the front. "Do you want me to drive?"

"Yeah." I said taking note of the pain now flooding back and my shaking hands. I tossed him the keys and went around to the passenger door.

"Where do you want to go?" Jimmy asked starting my car.

"Go to my house. I need to find out where Marcel went. Do you know?" Jimmy looked nervously over at Johnny on the ground. He was still wailing in pain.

"No. I just let them take my car and they just kind of left. I know Marcel was wounded. I heard the gun shot and him scream."

"Shit." My hands pound on the dash board. "Just take me home."

I'm glad he is alive though. I knew he would be.

Jimmy puts the car into gear and speeds away from the scene. Johnny is still on the ground. He looks unconcious, but I can't tell for sure. My mind starts to drift off.

How the hell did I get in this situation? Where the hell is my brother and his girlfriend?

Oh, Emily...

"Hey be quiet for a minute I have to make a call, okay?" Jimmy nods as I pull out my cell phone and dial Emily's number. It rings twice before she picks up.

"Harry?" She answers.

"Yeah. Emily, where are you?"

"I, um, I'm still at the police station."

"What? Okay I'll be there to pick you up. But you have to get in the car okay? I can't come in." I can just see how that would play out. Me walking in there with a limp and blood and my hands. Yeah, perfect.

"Okay. Just hurry, Harry. I feel so weird." She whispers.

"I will. I...uh.." I stopped, not sure if I should say it. I know that it isn't right to say I Love You when you barely know the person. It's only been a couple of days, but I just feel something.

"I love you." Emily says and my heart skips a beat. It must be easier for her to say, she's loved me for years without me knowing.

"Love you." I manage to say before the line goes dead. "Okay Jimmy. Take us to the police station, but park in the back. We have to get Emily."

"Um, okay? I just don't want them to see us or anything." Jimmy changes the course by turning.

"Well that's why we park in the back." I snap.

I don't mean to be rude, it's just I can't get over what he did to poor Ember. Even to Marcel, that was worse.

We arrive and Jimmy parks in the back, quickly cutting the lights. I text Emily where we are and within minutes I can see her hurrying towards the car. Without thinking I open my door and step out to greet her. The pain shooting through me.


"Harry? You okay?" Emily stands back a little. She was going to hug me, but then she saw my pain.

"No. Shit no. Are you?" I ask putting my hand on my back like an old man.

"I'm fine. The police were a bit creepy..." When she says that, I can feel some sort of protectiveness rise in me. I want to go in there and tell them off, but I can't.

"Guys let's go!" Jimmy says, panic eveident in his voice as the door to the police station swings open again. Two police officers step out, a glowing light pressed to their mouths indicates they have just come out for a smoke. We need to get out of here before they see ys, still.

"Okay." Emily slides in the back seat. The shock evident when she gasps at the sight of Jimmy. "Wha..."

"Tell you later. Let's go." I tell her and get in. Jimmy drives us back to my house.

"Stay in the car, both of you. I just need a few things. Emily call Ember or Marcel to see where they are. We have to find them tonight." I say before rushing into the dark house. Well rushing as fast as I can seeing how I'm hurting.

I just need to grab the first aid kit. If I know Marcel, he hasn't gone to the hospital. He's either driving around or he's found a safe place somewhere. For his and Ember's sake, I hope it's a safe place. Who knows what Johnny could do, he technically isn't dead.

Oh, Marcel!Where stories live. Discover now