The Only Thing That Is Horrible Is Those Glasses

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"What is your problem?" Harry asks trailing slightly behind me now.

"Nothing, what's yours?" I mumble back and keep my jogging pace. It was starting to get cloudy, like it was going to rain.

"You don't seem to want to get to know me at all, Marcel."

I stop in my tracks.

"Well I'm sorry! I wasn't expecting a sudden twin brother to be brought into my life!" I snarl. Harry stops and looks hurt for a split second.

"Sorry. What did you want me to do when my real parents show up! I'm just as confused as you! At least I'm trying." He snarls back before he takes off again.

Oh no he is not going to win this one.

"You had a better life." I say, the words rushed in one breath.

"Really? How would you know? You didn't live it." Harry's breathing is steadier than mine. I grab him by the arm, he tries to yank it away, but our strentgh is matched.

"Then you wouldn't know mine either! Why did you even agree to come here?"

"Because I would like to meet my real family. Besides I was really hoping you and I could get along. Marcel I never knew I had a real brother. The others are just LIKE brothers to me." Harry pulls his arm back and then folds them across his bare chest. I look over his tattoos.

"What do those mean?" I say pointing to the swallows.

"If you want to know, I'd rather tell you at home or something." He shrugs. "Can we just keep jogging?"

"Yes." I say.

We jog around the whole path. Neither of us said a word.

"So? How was it?" Mark asks when we get back, sweaty and out of breath. My legs feel weak and jello like.

"It was grand." Harry says heading for the showers. I nod, but head to my car. I didn't bring a change of clothes.

"Tell Harry I'll meet him at home. Thanks for today." I tell Mark and he hands me my keys I asked him to hold.

"Will do." He walks off whistling.


Fresh out of the shower and still waiting for Harry to get home. I've been waiting for over an hour since I got home. What was he doing? Like seriously he just moved here, he couldn't have places to go already.

Then again he was Harry Styles. He probably got caught up with adoring fans. I wonder what it's like to be him. Doesn't he get annoyed by all the screaming girls?

The door opens and I feel the cool air rush in. The door shuts and Harry walks around, surprised to see me sitting on the couch with wet hair.

"Oh, I didn't know you were waiting for me. I would have gotten you McDonald's too." He holds up the bag.

Amazing how he can workout and then go eat fattening food. Makes sense.

"How can you eat that?" I ask following him to the dining room.

"I dunno. It just sounded good." He starts taking things out of the bag. Three hamburgers and a fry later, he's unwrapping the first burger.

"So are you going to tell me about your life now?" I ask, watching him chew and think.

"Okay. Where shall I start?" He takes another bite.

"Who was your mom and dad in England?"

"Anne and Robin. My mum always told me I was adopted so it wasn't such a shock later."

"Have any sisters?" I ask, knowing he doesn't have brothers.

"One. Here name is Gemma. She's very sweet."

"Who is your best friend?"


"Sheeran? What about the boys?" I question.

"Told you, those are my brothers."

"Right. What is stardom like?"

"It's great and stressful at the same time. On one hand you're running around to so many places, but on the other, you're going around the world putting smiles on not only your face, but others as well. I really love it. I'm so greatful."

"What about the fans?"

"Love em. They make us, us. Sure they could make us go deaf, but we will always be able to see their beautiful faces." He finishes his burger and reaches for a second.

"When did our parents find you?"

"We were on tour in Cali and dad just came up and said I'm you're father. Of course later we found out he had things to prove it, but at first I didn't believe him." He shakes his head.  "You wouldn't believe me if I told you that some parents actually do that for their daughters."

"How did they know you were adopted though?"

"Guess it might have been obvious if I didn't look like any of my family. Which reminds me, I'm going to be splitting up my time between here and there. Seeing as they were the first family I knew."

"Oh. Okay."

"So, what about you Marcel? What do you do?" Harry's identical green eye bore into mine.

"Well, nothing. I'm about as boring as a rock."

"Rocks aren't boring."

"But I'm serious."

"Marcel, tell me about your life." Harry demands.

"Fine. I've been bullied since forever. It was never really bad until High School came. Then Johnny and Jimmy liked to pick on me all the time. I've gotten multiple broken noses and bruises. They haven't broke a bone, yet."

"You let people push you around?" Harry's burger falls from his mouth.

"Yes." I admit. Might as well. He's family right?

"Marcel, I don't believe that. How can you be like you are with me, and yet you let them hurt you??"

"I don't know."

"Hey, you said Jimmy?" Harry goes back.

"Yes. The one that is dating Ember."

"He's no good then. You've got to tell her, mate." Harry says picking up the fallen piece of burger and wrapping it up.

"I have. She says he is in love with her and she doesn't want to hurt him." I say looking down at the table. He offers his fries and I take one.

"I can tell you love her. A lot."

"I do. It's just so difficult with Jimmy in the picture. I almost have her and then he rips her away from me."

He nods.

"I know how it is. I'm going to try to help you Marcel. That's what brothers do right?" Harry looks at me, his face serious.

"Thanks, Harry. I really appreciate your efforts. And I'm sorry I was so horrible before."

"It's okay, but the only thing that is horrible is those glasses. You need new ones." Harry reaches for my glasses and pulls them off putting them on his own nose.

Wow, is that what I really look like? The big glasses made his face look small.

"Oh. Wow." Was all I could say. He chuckled and took them off.

"How about we go get new glasses tomorrow? I'll pay." Harry offers and hands the glasses back. I put them on because it's all I have. Mom took her glasses with her and I have no more pairs left.

"That sounds okay." I say.

"Great." He chucks a fry at my head. I move to the side as it sails past my head.

"You will regret that! I grab the fries and toss them all over him.

He's laughing too hard to care at this point. I start to laugh too.

It actually feels nice to have a genuine laugh with someone. I think I might just like my new brother.

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