Clear Off The Bed

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My phone clattered to the floor as it buzzed off the counter. I was making myself a sandwich for dinner when it had started to ring.

As I picked it up and inspected it for damage, it started vibrate in my hands. The screen flashed a picture of my mother.

"Mom?" I shoved the phone up to my ear and held it with my shoulder. I continued to make my sandwich as she talking in my ear.

"Okay sweetie, we're on our way home! Is the bed in your room fixed up?" My thoughts showed my room, the extra bed piled with books, clothes, and papers.

"Uh, no. Is it supposed to be?" I asked dropping the slice of bread and grabbing the phone with my hand.

"Please go make it! We're almost home with our guest! The house isn't messy is it?" Her voice growing worried.

"No, I've kept it clean." I answered and walked towards my bedroom.

The guest was staying with me? We have a perfectly good guest room that no one ever uses. Why can't they just go in there?

"Okay, good. Now go fix that and oh turn on the outside lights too! See ya soon, kiss kiss!" Shoving my phone back in my pocket, I began to clear the mound of stuff off the bed. I pulled books from my college classes and stuffed them in my closet. All the old papers went in a folder I found and the clothes also went in the closet. On the floor of course.

Mom bought me this other bed when I was in grade school. She figured that I could have sleepovers with all my friends. The only thing she didn't know is that the only one that ever spent the night with me was Mrs. Slovak.

And I am sure Mom wouldn't have liked that. She would have thought wrong of it. I could have seen her complaining to my dad.

"Now you know that's not right! What sort of nanny sleeps on the job? And with the child?"

Mom was always so quick to judge. So quick to be negative.

I threw the last t-shirt in the closet and slid the door shut.

"Well I guess this bed isn't too bad for our guest." I shrugged at it. The bed sheets being wrinkled from all the stuff.

Marcel! You need to clean up your act! What is wrong with you, you aren't yourself lately.

Yes, I wasn't myself lately.

A lot of things were changing around me. I couldn't tell if it was for the better, or for the worst.

The front door burst open and my father's voice boomed in.

"MARCEL, MARCEEEL?" He yelled as I jumped back, nearly tripping over my own feet.

"I'm in here." I squeaked and jogged out to greet my parents and the guest.

My dad was standing at the door, two suitcases in his hand. Ones that I knew did not belong to him. All of his had his name monogrammed on them.

Steven Daniel Styles

He looked exaclty like he had on the TV, except for he was now wearing a red coat.

"Help me with these, boy." His face emotionless as he lifted them both up with ease and stuck them out in my direction.

My father was a tall man. Broad shoulders, sloping nose, strong jaw line and green eyes. Bright green eyes.

I took the suitcases from him, my arms dropping down with the weight of them. Sure I was stronger now, but seriously, these were heavy. What's in there?

Is it all of Harry's clothes? Is it his awards? His shoes?

Setting down the suitcases on the bed I had cleared I inspected them for anything that might give away as to whose they were. Nothing. Just brown leather all over.

"Marcel, honey!" I flew out of my room and to my mother. I wrapped my arms around her neck and hugged her.

I loved my mother. No matter how mean she could be to me. I craved her love, I needed it.

"Oh darling! I've missed you too, Ha- err - Marcel!" My mom hugged back.

Did she almost call me Harry?

"So ready to meet our guest? Your father is just bringing in the rest of the things!" An excited smile lit up her face as she held my hand again.

"Oh you will just absoultely adore her!"


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