"It's Like A Ghost Town"

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"Ember, hey wake up." Harry rocked my shoulder.

"What?" I rubbed at my eyes thinking that I must have fallen asleep.

"Where is Marcel?" He asks concerned. I finally realize that the car is parked, but its still running. Marcel is no where in the vehicle, and the doors are locked tightly.

"Oh my God. Where is he?" My heart speeds up and Harry awakens Emily. She groans until she doesn't see Marcel.

"Hey where is..?" She points to the empty drivers seat.

"I don't know. I'll go look around." Harry nods looking around the deserted road. There is forest on one side and a corn field on the other.

"But your back!" Emily whined sleepily.

"My brother is more important." Harry shakes her off his arm and opens the door. He walks around to the front and mouths that he will be right back.

It was starting to get dark out and I was getting really worried about both of them. Harry decided that he would walk into the forest, Emily and I quietly watching him go.

"Ember..w-what if they don't c-come back?" She stuttered. It wasn't like Emily to stutter or be so afraid. She was the braver of us two.

"They will...they have to.." I slowly whispered, fearing that they might not.


Fuck Marcel. Where are you?

"Marcel!" I called out again, my voice echoing in the forest.


I was a long ways in by now, but I hadn't turned any corners so I knew that I could go straight back to get out.

Just a little further and I was turning around and searching those fields.

"Marcel?" I called. This time whether it was in response to me or not, I heard a sniffle. Close but not too close.

"Is that you?" The hairs on my arm start to raise as I get closer and hear the pitiful sobbing. What if this is some sick trick? What if Marcel is dead and Johnny is going to kill me next?

Something behind me snapped and I turned around suddenly aware that I was breathing loudly. A tall slim frame similar to mine stepped out from behind some trees and bushes.

"You fucken scared me. What the hell is wrong with you, mate!?" I yelled at him. Marcel stood there looking at me. I think, I couldn't quite make out any or his features.

"Marcel?" One tentative step towards the tall man and I relaxed realizing that this in fact was my brother.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled and fell to his knees before me. "I'm so sorry, Harry." I could hear the pain behind his voice.

"It's okay." My heart ached for him. This boy has been through so much and I have been living the dream. I feel worse now. I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"No, it's really not." He blubbers as I kneel in front of him now. He sits down and the ground folding his long legs into his chest. "I-I...my..fault." He cries.

"Please, Marcel. Don't cry." This is breaking my heart to see my brother cry. He shouldn't ever cry. This makes me think about how many times he had cried before this. From those assholes that went to school with him, from the girls that broke his heart, even his mother and father. Wait our.

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