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^^Just though I'd share an amazing piece of fan-art that makes me cry :,(


"Leave me alone." Bucky was in one of his moods. 

You sighed.

It was hard sometimes. For both of you. 

Once Winter was around he was there to stay, and despite your best attempts Bucky would refuse to talk, be near or touch you. He would shut himself in his apartment all day and would isolate himself from everything and everyone.

But this never stopped you from trying. 

"Please Buck, let me help you..." you leaned into the door, cheek pressed against the smooth wood. 

"You can help me by leaving me alone" his voice sounded hoarse, muffled and gruff. The voice that whispered compliments in your ear was the same that was distancing you. 

When this happened before you tried forcing the door open, but Bucky threw you back out. You tried complimenting and comforting him, but he just shouted and screamed for you to go. You tried calling Steve in to help him out, but he too failed. 

But by far the worst attempt you made was when you sang to him from outside your door, you thought that a nursery rhyme would soothe him and calm him down.

"Twinkle twinkle little star..." you sang softly, a faint rustling could be heard from Bucky.

"how I wonder what you-" you continued, but were interrupted as the door disappeared from behind you, causing you to fall flat on your back. Your lungs craved oxygen and your mind craved answers. 

The next thing you remembered Bucky's beautiful eyes were millimeters away from yours, and awful insults filled your ears. You couldn't stop the tears flowing. 

Your head jerked violently, the memory still fresh in your mind, the words still echoing around your skull. 

Winter could really bite. 

What should you try now?

Your tired body flopped onto your (f/c) bed, what you wouldn't give right now to have him lying there next to you, his arms wrapped around your waist, his chin resting on your shoulder, his breath gently caressing your cheek. 

You wished you could stay like that forever. But wishes never do come true.

Pulling out your phone from your pocket you googled "how to make someone feel better" and various suggestions popped up including: 

Ask them what's wrong! Well, duh, been there done that.

Be a good listener. You would listen, but Bucky never talked.

Say comforting things to them, what an original idea. 

Or give them advice, because you totally knew what it felt like to be brainwashed, manipulated, violated and abused by your worst enemy, having to relive those moments every time you closed your eyes.  

Then suddenly you realised, you should just let him be, instead you should give him something to show that you cared.


Bucky's POV

Thank God (y/n) has gone back to her apartment. They cannot be near me. 

I cannot hurt (y/n).

Bucky Barnes X Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now