How long will I love you?

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This is based off Ellie Goulding's song How long will I love you? 

P.S I started writing this before I suggested the prompts and you may notice it's longer than usual, so please let me know whether you like shorter or longer one-shots. 

P.P.S (f/m) is a family member and (b/f/n) is your baby's first name.

Having said all that, enjoy :)


"Bucky! Hold on!" your feet pattered along the dirt knowing full well that you were never going to catch up to him, but you had to try. 

"Please Bucky!" his figure was becoming engulfed in the long grass that stretched for miles and miles around Clint's farm. You prayed that no one followed you. 

"Buck-Buc- STTOOOOOPPPPP!" you collapse onto your knees and scream at the top of your lungs, still praying that the others left you alone. You felt salty tears running down your flushed cheeks, your hands couldn't stop shaking and you felt sick to the core. Why did he run? 

You were too caught up in yourself you didn't notice a shadow running over to you and lifting your head up to face him.

"(y/n) are you hurt? Did you trip? Are you bleeding? Was this bruise always here? Did you-" Bucky frantically searched every part of your body for injures, put the only pain you felt was inside you heart. 

"-Bucky I'm- I'm- why did you run?" his eyes flickered around, perhaps he was distracted by the crickets, or the shining stars in the sky. Or perhaps it was instinct, scanning the area for any enemies. 

His right hand gently wiped away your tears and to your surprise he just lay down right beside you. You waited a while for him to speak, but no words filled your ears. Instead he motioned for you to cuddle up next to him, and you happily complied. 

"I was so worried- you just- you left when Tony said- Tony said about getting engaged and it's like- I thought-" you never usually had trouble forming sentences, but given that you had just sprinted a good half mile before having a nervous breakdown and then being millimeters away from the gorgeous Mr Barnes, you could forgive yourself. 

"(y/n) I wasn't going to leave you, it's just, well... When Stark joked about us getting married I realised that I'm not good enough for you, you would never be happy with me. I don't have Stark's sarcasm or Steve's intelligence, I don't have Clint's dependability or-" his eyes bore right into your soul as he spoke, this was clearly a speech he had rehearsed time and time again and you were sick of it.

"-James Buchanan Barnes I love you because you are you, you are funny, clever, loyal and God dammit you are the most attractive man I have ever met and I will never stop loving you because you complete me, and if I daresay, I complete you. Now shut up and kiss me." your hands pulled his face closer to yours, allowing you to kiss him harder and longer than you ever had before. At first you were worried he would pull away, but he started kissing back with more intensity. 

You cuddled under the stars until they faded away into the light. This was the life. 

How long will I love you?
As long as stars are above you
And longer, if I can.

"Look at this leaf I found!" Bucky squealed with delight as he handed you an autumn leaf. You loved this side of him, his childish side. But in the 2 years you'd known Bucky you'd only ever seen this side about three times, once he got really excited by a candy store and ate so much he was hyper all week. Another time he and Steve joined in a game of football with 5 year olds, that was one hell of a summer. Oh, and the best Bucky Barnes childish moment was when he couldn't stop giggling at everything you said, everyone else found it incredibly annoying but you thought it was absolutely adorable. Luckily or unluckily for you today he was in an exceptionally childish mood. 

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