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Thanks for the tag @Love_Marvel_Forever

1) Your fandom (one): Marvel

2) Dream job: Some sort of designer or anything creative really :/

3) Top thing you want to do before you die: I would really like to be an extra or something in a Marvel movie  because I have 0 acting talent but it would be fantastic to have 2 seconds of screen time in the background and it might also mean I could meet the amazing actors O.o

4) Your favourite Wattpad follower: I honestly can't choose one because you are all so amazing and supportive and it would be unfair just to choose one of you :)

5) Current favourite story on Wattpad: Winter's Thaw by irishgirl321 is an amazing story and I recommend that if you love Bucky you should check it out.

I tag @kate_425 @nightmarewolf101 @mission_report @sargentBuckyStan @PicklousCage

But only do if it you want to and remember to have a great day everyone :)


You were so grateful to have Bucky as a boyfriend, it seemed like just yesterday when Bucky made a picnic and took you to that park before asking you out. If you concentrated hard enough you could still feel the sun's rays warming your skin and the sweet scent of the pink roses-

"(y/n) what do you think?" your trail of thought ends as 2 paint cans are thrust near your face by an enthusiastic Bucky, as you weren't paying attention to the conversation you nervously ask him to repeat the question.

"Which colour for my room?" Bucky didn't seem to mind repeating his sentence as he was so excited about decorating his room, this was clearly evident as a multitude of home-decorating magazines were torn and cut in piles around his bare room. 

"I like that one, Pantone 2955c." you point at the can which you had pestered Bucky to consider as it was TARDIS blue. He was unaware of this and just assumed you really liked this colour, so it was no surprise really when you chose that colour over the lighter shade of blue.

"Then Pantone 2955c it is. Come on, let's get painting!" Bucky placed the paint cans on the newspapered-ground and handed you a roller which you graciously accepted. You began to paint seriously, dip the roller in the paint, apply it to the wall, reapply the paint. This routine lulled you into a peaceful state until you felt something wet touch your nose.

"Eww what on earth-" you gingerly touch your nose and realise it was just the paint, but how did it get there? You turn to face a rather cheerful Bucky and before you could speak he lunged forward and swung his paint brush widely. You scream as Bucky lands on top of you, causing you to fall backwards onto the floor.

"Stop- Bucky ahh!" your words meant nothing for Bucky's onslaught continued, the thick blue paint soon covered every inch of your body but in particular Bucky seemed to focus on your face. You tried to paint him too but you only succeeded in a few streaks of paint across his grey T shirt and one right across his face. You didn't mind though as Bucky seemed to be having a lot of fun.

"Alright, alright that's enough, we have work to do and-ah!" you gently try and push Bucky off you until a searing pain coursed through your right arm causing you to yelp.

"(y/n) are you ok? Did I hurt you? I hurt you didn't I? Here-" Bucky panicked as he hurriedly got off your body and gingerly helped you off the ground.

"We've got to get you checked out, I'm so sorry (y/n) I shouldn't have done it, I'm so-" Bucky's words frantically fell from his mouth as he tried to wipe some of the paint off you with his T-shirt to assess the damage he had done.

"-Bucky I'm fine, I think I just fell on my right arm awkwardly, I'm sure it'll heal by itself soon enough." you try to reassure him as he fusses over you like a child. 

"You don't know that for sure, what if it's sprained or broken and you just don't know it and and and-" Bucky stutters as he runs his hands through his messy hair and backs away from you, to counteract this you move closer to him.

"-Bucky, could I do this with my arm if it was broken?" you do all sorts of strange arm movements with minimal pain which finally causes Bucky to calm down and start chuckling.

"You arm looks like a dying snake." he pulls you into a warm and comforting embrace, his chin resting perfectly on your head and your face buried in his top.

"I'm sure we look like a right mess." you could feel Bucky's heart beat through his shirt and in that moment everything seemed so tranquil and so calming that you wished you could stay like that forever, alas the world doesn't work like that.

"Trust me, you do." you groan as you recognise Clint's voice; you didn't hear the door open but knowing Clint he could have gotten in through the air vents or even the window.

"Well if you stay any longer your face will be an even worse mess." you glare at a smug Clint who took another bite of a juicy red apple in his hand.

"Ohhh I'm so scared. Better retreat." Clint said in the least energetic way possible as he slowly strode out of the room in no rush at all.

"You've really gotta work on being threatening (y/n/n)." you bury your face back into Bucky's perfectly sculpted chest. 

"You've really got to work on your decorating skills." you snap back and your comment has the desired effect on Bucky as he holds you tighter.

" Touché." 

Bucky Barnes X Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now