Man's best friend

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^^I just find this the cutest thing ever. Ever. So I was inspired by this beautiful piece of fan art to write this one-shot. And as always I hope you enjoy it :)


Bucky's POV:

My life was perfect; I had the most beautiful and loving fiancée, a whole group of amazing but very weird friends and a safe place to stay.

Then why do I feel like something is missing?

"Mornin' Buck." I instantly recognise (y/n)'s tired voice.

"Mornin' sweetness." I flip through the newspaper as I feel (y/n)'s arms wrap around my shoulders and a soft kiss is pressed on the top of my head. 

"You ok Buck? You sound sad." I sighed as (y/n) removed her arms and sat down next to me on our sofa. 

"Yeah, it's just... I don't know I just feel like something is missing from our life, you know?" luckily for me (y/n) nods knowingly, her (h/c) hair bouncing beautifully as she did. 

"I think I might know what you mean!" I smile, placing the newspaper to the side. I wrap my arm around (y/n)'s waist, pulling her closer.

"I love you (y/n)." I kissed her cheek, not knowing what I ever did to deserve her.

"I love you too Bucky." (y/n) yawned, making me chuckle.


"Where exactly are we going?" (y/n) was being very cryptic as we walk to- well I had absolutely no idea.

"Well, here we are!"(y/n) smiled, I turned to see a shop called 'Wagging Tail' which had numerous 'Adopt me' posters in its window.

"You think we need a dog?" (y/n)'s smile slowly faded once I spoke my mind, filling me with regret.

"Well uh maybe, but I was thinking we could look at the dogs rather than get one." (y/n) pulls open the door and holds it open for me.

"Thank you doll, I'm sure I'll enjoy it." as I enter the howls of the abandoned dogs fill my ears and the receptionist looks up from her computer.

"Hello and welcome to Wagging Tail, won't you give a dog a bone? How can I help you?" she droned as we approached, her speech was well rehearsed and not very convincing.

"Hey, we're here to see the dogs if that's ok with you?" the receptionist, who I noticed was called Stacy thanks to her helpful name-tag, was nosily chewing pink gum as (y/n) spoke; showing her disinterest.

"Sure, go ahead." Stacy returned to her computer as we walked through a door which said 'Kennels this way'. We were instantly greeted by row upon row of dogs.

"Awww!" (y/n) goes over and kneels by one of the cages, cooing at a small fluff ball of a poodle, I on the other hand was attracted towards a Golden Retriever who was bouncing around, playing with a spongy red ball covered in its slobber.

"Hey there bud." I chuckle as I realise it reminds me of Steve, jumping around without a care in the world, his golden hair and the fact he was big and stupid. 

As soon as Bailey saw me he stopped spinning and came up to the bars, pawing at them wildly.

"I know bud, it must suck being in there." I just manage to reach in and scratch Bailey behind his ear, making his tail wag faster than a propeller. 

"Sorry bud, there's a lot of dogs in here..." I got up and Bailey started to whine making my heart sink. I felt guilty.

This trend continued as we walked around, the dogs would be excited to see us but would whine and whimper when we left, were we just giving them false hope?

I turn to express my feelings to (y/n) but she is no-where in sight, shrugging I go down another row of kennels which was marked 'Last chance'. What does that mean?

The dogs in this row were even more depressed and ill-looking than all the others. Oh. I get it now. 

If they aren't adopted soon they'll be put down. 

These dogs deserved better, they deserved homes with family and friends who cared about them and treated them well. I clench my fists, angry at life in general.

It's then I feel something jump up against my shin, I glance down and see a German Shepherd puppy pawing at me; the poor thing only has 3 legs.

"Hello there?" I wonder about where they came from until I see a cage door swung wide open.

"You're a clever one, huh?" the puppy wobbles around, circling me with it's tiny pink tongue hanging out. Chuckling I make the decision to take the glove off my left hand.

"See? I'm like you." their tongue curiously licks my fingers causing me to laugh even more.

"We're going to get along, you and I."

Your POV:

You had lost Bucky a long time ago and you were wondering what he'd been doing all this time.

"Bucky?!" you called yet again, doubting he would here you above all the barking and howling.

"Hello there ma'am, how can I help you today?" a woman in a navy polo and beige shorts approaches you and you sigh in relief when you realise she works here.

"Um could you help me find my fiancé, he's around here somewhere." the lady nods and begins to walk off, so I follow behind.

"I saw a man around here a while ago, tall, dark and mysterious?" I slowly nod, surprised by her odd yet accurate description of Bucky. 

After following this lady for a few minutes in an awkward silence you both finally see Bucky lying down on his back playing with a puppy, you can't help but smile at how cute they both are.

"Excuse me sir but this dog shouldn't be out of it's cage." the worker approached the pair and tried to grab onto the pup, but it skillfully avoided her grasp.

"I'm sorry but I found them like this." Bucky sat up and the small dog jumped on his lap happily. You notice that his glove is off his left hand and you wondered why considering he would never show his arm in public.

"That's fine I guess...  Are you thinking of adopting him?" your eyes widen, although Bucky had clearly bonded with this dog you weren't sure you were ready for a puppy, not with your work and the wedding coming up soon.

"Um how about we think about it and come back in a few months?" you suggest but that clearly wasn't what Bucky was thinking, he took his eyes off the dog and fixed them onto yours forcing you to swallow the lump at the back of your throat.

"I'm sorry but this dog won't be here in a few months, he's already been here the majority of his life and we can't afford to keep him any longer. I'm afraid he's at the end of the line." Bucky's eyes filled with sorrow at her words.

"Before we consider I have to ask, how did he lose his leg?" you turn to the assistant.

"If I remember correctly it was caused by a birth defect and the owner didn't want him because of it, dumping him in an alleyway where he became severely malnourished and fragile. We thankfully found him before it was too late and fixed him up, but as I've said before he's been here months and no-one wants to adopt him so we weren't left with many options." Bucky gives you his puppy-eyes as the puppy waddles around.

"Fine. We can get the dog but he's all your responsibility." you cave in and Bucky gives you a big, bright smile.

"Thank you, thank you (y/n)!" Bucky gets up and carefully picks up the puppy, holding it like a baby.

"Does he have a name?" you scratch the dog behind the ear.

"Yeah, his name is Sparky. Now, how about we get some paperwork filled out?" 


Sparky settled into his new life well, apart from the occasional 'present' in Tony's lab (you thought Bucky had trained him to do it there) he was a huge hit with everyone. If someone woke up from a nightmare he would be a huge comfort and Steve, Bucky and Sam took him on their runs once Tony had made him a prosthetic leg (similar to Bucky's arm by his request). 

You hadn't adopted a pet, you'd gained a family member.

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