The Quest

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Chapter One

Percy POV

Annabeth and I were sitting on sand on the beach when Nico ran up to us and said,"Chiron want's Me, you guys, and Thalia to talk us about a quest maybe. When Annabeth and I were at the big house.

Chiron said, "Along time ago  Hecate blessed  some mortals that did her a great deed and they became the first Magicians. They were: Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff. You will go to the Hogwarts a school for wizards they to have just finished a war to but on a lesser scale. Percy will go first and then the rest of you will go the first day of Christmas Break."

I said, "What no seeing Annabeth until Christmas time what about my dreams about Tartarus." I said the last word very quietly.

Annabeth, Nico, and I shuddered when I said that even though Nico was knocked out most he still got nightmares, I had the worst by far because of my fatal flaw. So I would see Annabeth getting hurt and sometimes tortured.

Chiron said, "The plans still remains the same you will have to befriend the Golden Trio: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ronald Weasley. Kronos and Voldemort who is the wizard less powerful version of Kronos. You will leave tomorrow and have to get stuff a Diagon Alley. You will get it with Hagrid a Half giant. The teachers will know how you are. Hecte will bless you when you are sleeping."

I said, "Fine I will get packing right away."

Then we left the Big House to start getting packing in my case and to help me pack in Annabeth's case. I packed my enough clothes for a year well Annabeth folded it, I still had to get my stuff a Diagon Alley. I had to get all the things seventh years had to get:

Medium size Cauldron

Dragon Hide Gloves

Potion Ingredients

Seventh Year Robes



Dress Robes


Advanced Potions

Advance History of Hogwarts

Advance Transfiguring

If you want can get a Toad, Owl, or Cat

Next Morning

Annabeth woke me up shaking and crying so I hugged her and told her it was all a dream. She woke up after five minutes of me doing this. She cried in my shoulder after that. We walked up to Thalia's pine tree and I and I said, "See you on winter break people." I gave Annabeth a kiss and a hug and she said,"See you soon." I got on the plane because Zeus gave me permission to use air travel on this mission.

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