More Exchange Students

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Chapter 10

~One day before Annabeth, Thalia, and Nico come~

Percy POV

I was so excited that my Wisegirl was coming, I hoped that she would be in the same house as me, but she could be in Ravenclaw because she is just that smart. She is also really brave which gives me hope that she will be in the same house as me. Thalia and Nico are coming to so I hope they are in the same house as me. People watching probably thought I was person with ADHD (Which was true) and had way too much sugar for breakfast.

In all my classes I was not listening I got in a little bit of trouble but they knew I was a demigod with ADHD and they knew my awesome girlfriend and friends were coming tomorrow. When it was finally time to go to bed I had a hard time sleeping but not a very bad nightmare.

When I got up and put my robes on and got to breakfast Ms. Mcgonagall said, "Some more exchange students will be coming to day and they will be the last ones to." She got out the sorting hat and then called Annabeth, Thalia, and Nico in. I ran towards Annabeth and picked her up and kiss her. I heard a lot of girls and boys both sigh. Thalia, Nico, and Annabeth got put in Gryffindor but the hat freaked out again and Annabeth started to cry when the hat went threw her memories.

Harry POV

Percy was really excited for tomorrow because his friends were coming it was liked he ate way too much sugar for breakfast. When the day finally did come he ran up to that girl that looked beautiful and that must of been his girlfriend Annabeth. The hat did the same thing it did for Percy to Annabeth but instead of her fainting she started to cry. I am still not sure if he is a Death Eater or not. He does not seem like a Death Eater but he has a dark mark. Annabeth had curly blond hair and gray eyes. Nico and Thalia were both kinda goth they wore all black. Well now it is time our first class potions, Yay. (Notice my Sarcasm.)

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