War Part 2

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Chapter 19

Harry POV

I heard the bell and I knew that the war was coming. I ran out to battle with my friends. I was stunning everyone with the charm Stupefy. I didn't want to kill but I wanted them to get justice for what he they did to people's family's. When I finally got to Voldemort I looked at Percy and at the battlefield. Percy was fighting Kronos and on the battlefield there were many dead bodies.

I yelled Stupefy but he just dodged and yelled Stupefy right back at me. I yelled Accio to get his wand to me. I got his wand but one of the Death Eaters knocked me on my butt. Voldemort grabbed his wand back and yelled one of the unforgivable curse. It was the Imperius Curse it was the one that made them do every command that they gave you unless you made focused on not doing it. I didn't do it but it took a lot of energy out of me. I finally killed Voldemort but not with one of the unforgivable curse. I got the chance when he looked at Kronos and Kronos looked at Voldemort. Percy and me both killed our enemies at the same time.

Everyone cheered and clapped when Percy and I walked and I could tell that we both didn't like it. In the Great Hall all the people that had died on this war. I was sad because they did not deserve to die. They deserved to have a full life. I was glad that the littler kids would get a chance to live a life without a war, hopefully. I saw that the look on Percy's face and knew he was thinking the same way. No demigods that we knew of died, some of the demigods may of been wizards but we did not know. No friends of mine died no family members did either and I knew that was the same for Percy. We let the littler kids out and I saw many little ones cry because there parents were dead. It was a sad day, but I was glad for the end of the war.

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