Hogwarts Express

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Chapter 4

Percy POV

I woke up with a surprise because I had no tortures dreams of Tartarus which Wisegirl, Deathbreath, and I usually have. After I got ready I walked out into the hallway to find Lady Hecate. She said, "I will be teleporting you to the King Cross Station. You will go to platform 9 ¾ to board The Hogwarts Express. When I got in between Platform 9 and 10 I couldn't find platform 9 ¾ so I asked a police officer and he thought I was joking. So I walked away. I stood in between platform 9 and 10 until I saw the people I ran into when I was at Diagon Alley Ron was the boy with red hair, Ginny his sister, Hermione was the other girl, and Harry the one with the thunder bolt scar. I walked up to Harry and asked how I could get on Platform 9 ¾ adn he just said walk through the wall follow me. I thought he was crazy but I followed him any way. I was prepared to walk into a wall. When we walked through wall to say I was surprised was an understatement.

Ginny said, "Do you want to sit with us?"

I said, "Sure."

I walked with them to a compartment and a lot of girls were staring at me and a lot of the boys were glaring at me. When we got to our compartment I asked how long the train ride was going to be. Ron said five hours and I groaned because you shouldn't have a demigod with ADHD and Dyslexia in a small place like a train compartment for five hours. This was going to be a long ride.

Harry POV

I was so mad a Ginny when he asked the exchange student to sit with us. He got all the attention with the girls and guys. He also had made you feel like you should bow to him. After he asked how long the train ride was and Ron said five hours.I noticed he kept moving around and he noticed that we were staring at him and he said blame the ADHD. We all looked at Hermione to answer the not spoken question what was ADHD. What surprised us was that Percy answered he said, "Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, means you can't stay still or focus on anything for a long time. When the food cart came around Percy got everything and we shared with him. He was really nice and we had a lot of funny conversations. I could tell he was having a problem staying still this would be a long train ride for him.

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