Diagon Alley

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Chapter 3

Percy POV

Once I got to Diagon Alley saw a very tall man which most of been Hagrid the Half-Giant. I walked up to him and said, "Are you Hagrid the person I am supposed to meet?"

He replied, "I am yer Hagrid you are looking for. Are you Percy?."

I said, "Yes I am. Okay let's get this done with."

Hagrid said, "Okay you will be staying Leaky Cauldron tonight and you will be going on platform 9¾ on the King's Cross station tomorrow. You have to walk through the wall on platform 10. Now let's get started."

We first went to Gringotts a bank that was run by goblins. I got the money that Hecate put in a bank for the demigods that were going on this this quest. We were going to be Half-Bloods and try not to reveal that we are Demigods until we gain their full trust. Stupid ADHD. Any way Hagrid thought it was best if I get my wand. We walked to Ollivanders which was hard for me to find because of my dyslexia.

When we finally found Ollivanders we walked in. Ollivander told me to stand on some boxes. He gave me a wand and said the wand chooses the wizard not the other way around. When I waved around the wand like I was supposed to do. The boxes disappeared under my feet but with my fighting training I was able to land on my feet. I felt like we tried all the wands in the store before I was able to get one that made the room smell like the sea. When I did Ollivander told me that it was 12 inches Oak wood a half of a Pegasus feather and it was slightly flexible.

~Time Lapse~

We were almost done shopping all we had to do was get the books. When we ran into a boy with a lightning scar and crazy hair like me, a boy with red curly hair, a girl with red curly hair that most of been the boy with curly hairs sister, and a girl with brown curly hair. The bot with the lightning scar said, Hello Hagrid.Who is this boy behind you?"

I said, "I am Percy Jackson. Who are you?"

The boy with lightning scar said, "Harry Potter."

The girl with the brown hair said, "Hermione Granger the one with the red hair and is a boy is a Ron Weasley and the girl is Ginny Weasley.

Harry's POV

I was surprised that the transfer student with Hagrid didn't know who I was but I was also glad. I could tell that he would be popular with the girls. After we had our conversation we left to get our things.

Percy's POV

We went to Madam Malkin's to get my rodes. It was fun I guess. After we were done shopping I went to The Leaky Cauldron. When I woke up I had tears streaming down my face because I had one of my nightmares this one was Annabeth getting tortured. Sometimes Tartous would make something that didn't happen. I went to platform 9 and 3/4 on King Cross station.

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