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A.N The monster that Percy Jackson fist killed was Ms. Dodds a Fury.


Chapter 7

Percy POV

When we were walking towards Potions and I was so happy because I would get to see Snape again. I was walking towards potion with Hermione, Harry, Ron, Ginny we had Potions with Slytherin. I was excited and I saw Harry staring at me. He finally asked what I was happy about.

I said, "I get to see Snape again."

He said, "You are happy to see Snape why?"

I said, "He helps at my summer and is my friend."

They looked at me weird but they couldn't talk because we were already at the classroom. When we walked through the doors I saw Snape and I ran and gave him a hug he returned it. Everyone was looking at him weird. He returned seemed to tell me the right way to do it. I got a hundred points for Gryffindor because I got my potion 100% correct and everyone was gawking. Snape to his seat. They were Felix Felicis. It was easy for me because the potion walked over and said he is usually very mean. When we were walking towards our next class Harry was asking again how I knew Snape and I said He was a helper at our camp. I was doing hand signals and I think they say my SPQR tattoo and he could of thought it was a Dark Mark. Oh No! I was not supposed to tell them I was a demigod but I may have to because else they could think I was a Death Eater!

Harry POV

Everyone including me were wondering why Snape was being so nice to Percy and he got a hundred points for Gryffindor. I mean everyone was surprised he only give points to Slytherin. We had to make Felix Felicis a liquid luck potion. Even Hermione didn't get it all the way perfect like he did and he was like a machine it took him like his potion was talking to him. When we were all done he hadn't even gave one point to Slytherin which was really unusual. I asked him again where did he meet Snape. He said that Snape was his friend and he helped some of the campers train in their specialty. He was waving his arms around and I saw this tattoo but I was not sure if it was a Dark Mark but I knew that Hermione, Ginny, and Ron also saw it. It looked like a trident but still I was not quite sure.

A.N What monster almost killed Percy's mom? I will answer in the next chapter.


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