War Part 1

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Chapter 18

Percy POV

I heard a bell. After we heard about the war that was going to happen soon we decided to install a bell to alert us if the war was going to start and I knew it was starting now. I was scared and I knew that, I didn't want anyone to die.

I ran into battle with my friends and wizards. I saw Kronos and Noseless Dude in the back. Nico, Thalia, Annabeth, Apollo, Snape, and me killed all in Greek Mythology and Roman Mythology.

I finally reached Kronos and started to battle him. I slashed a Kronos but he jumped back. Then, he stabbed at me I blocked but just barely. I jumped up and slashed at his head but he jumped up. Then I ducked to get his legs. I just barely got his legs because he jumped. If I had got his legs spot on I would've cut them off but he moved back. I was distracted when I did that so he just barely hit my back. It slowed us both back and I could see that Harry was fighting Noseless dude. The rest were fighting both kinds of people or monsters. The people were called death eaters. I mean who would want to eat Thanatos really who would.

I could tell that we were both slowing down. He took on chance looking at how Voldemort was doing. I cut off his head, and golden ichor and then he turned into gold dust. All the monsters were gone pretty much. Harry had just finished off Voldemort so he was dead on the ground.

I walked into the Great Hall, they had the people died in it. There was no demigods that we knew off. I am sure that there were some demi wizards but going to Hogwarts and only thinking they were wizards. There were tons of wizards and I felt really sad because of my fatal flaw and because they did not deserve to die at all. I was happy that the littler kids lived they deserved a long life with hopefully no war but I am sure there will be more.

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