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Chapter 14

Percy POV

I was sleeping and having my horrible nightmares, then when I finally woke up I was a place I recognized but from where I don't know. Then, noseless dude walked in and that is when I realized where I was, I was were I was getting tortured in my dream. Noseless dude and Kronos walked in and I they started asking me how I they could defeat the wizards and demigods. I would say no because of my fatal flaw and then they cut me or wiped me depending on if I insulted then which was a lot.

After about three or four hours of saying no and then tortured they left, 'So I could have time to think.' To think about what I don't know. All I could think about was when my friends would find me missing and try to find me. I was also wondering what would they do to try to find me or if they think I could do it by myself. I also was wondering how did they capture me I knew I was a deep sleeper that deep I didn't think so. Stupid ADHD. Then, I fell asleep hopefully no nightmares but I probably would stupid demigods dreams.

~Percy Dream~

Camp Half-Blood was preparing for something for what I didn't know. Everyone was training harder than normal, I mean even the Aphrodite girls usually they would do make up besides Piper because in their words they didn't want to ruin their make up. My dream changed everyone was running around crazly I saw Harry, Ron, Hermione, Apollo, Snape, Annabeth, Thalia, and Nico in the mix so it must be Hogwarts. I was wondering what was happening.

~End of Dream~

I was shaken awake, I think Kronos woke me up and then he yelled at me because I was not supposed to sleep. Then they asked me what secrets that they could tell me that would make us lose after about three more hours they left so I started to make my escape plan.

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