Preparing for War

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Chapter 16

Percy POV

I never realized how long it takes to prepare for war with Demigods and wizards. Thalia, Nico, Annabeth, Snape, Apollo, and me were still the only people that were related to the gods closely. We still had to learn more about wizarding things and they had to learn about ways of fighting without wands. We also had to figure out what weapons they were better with which weapons and separate the first years to make sure they were safe.

I contacted Chiron to ask what to do. He said try to make sure that everyone tries to make the little one safe because they still have a long life to live. All so make sure that little to no people die. I sighed and said, "I will try Chiron," he had little to say about our enemy that we did not know which was surprising he wished us good luck and then I discontinued the Iris message.

Harry POV

Training wizards and learning how to fight with demigod weapons was tiring and I could tell Percy was the same as me. We were both kind a the same predicament, both the unnoticed leader within or groups. I was scared because I didn't want too many to die. I talked to Dumbledore and he wished us good luck and information about the enemy that we already knew. Percy and I were both having nightmares about the war.

I had to teach wizard dueling. I had help with the teachers but it was still very tiring. Some people were advanced with nonspeaking mostly sixth and fifth year people. Some people were just getting dueling and some people were really good at saying it so they were advancing. We had to make sure the first years were safe. I also had to make sure that people knew there wizarding strengths and Percy was doing weapons strengths. We both had to do improve their battle reflexes. Percy and I were working the hardest because of training and learning. Apollo was teaching healing with Madam Pomfrey because Apollo was the best but Madam Pomfrey was are best so they were going to teach new people. I hope we don't lose to many and that this war is quick and we wind. I know everyone is thinking the same thing.

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