The Letters

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Chapter 2

Harry's POV

I was eating breakfast at the Weasley house with Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and the rest of Ron's family. When the owls flew in the window. The letter's said:

Dear Mr. Potter,

You will be redewing last year like everyone else. There will be in new student in the beginning of the year and three others one the first day of Christmas break.Welcome them. For your school supplies you will need the things in the list below for your seventh year:

Medium size Cauldron

Dragon Hide Gloves

Potion Ingredients

Seventh Year Robes



Dress Robes


Advanced Potions

Advance History of Hogwarts

Advance Transfiguring

If you want can get a Toad, Owl, or Cat



I looked up from my letter and said Everyone is going to seventh year except Ginny who is going to sixth year is that correct?" Everyone nodded their heads. Then, I asked, "Did your letter mention the exchange students?" Once again everyone nodded their heads.I wondered who the exchange students would be. I am sure that everyone was wondering the samething. I was also wondering if thje exchande students would now who I was. After we finished breakfast. Which was two eggs, four pancakes, a couple pieces of bacon and,orange juice. I said, "Now it is time to go to Diagon Alley." Then, we  apparated to Diagon Alley.

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