Tortured in a dream

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Chapter 12

Annabeth's POV

I woke up to screaming and it was one the demigods knew too well. It was Percy. I jumped out of bed and ran to the boys dorm. Nico, Thalia, Hermione, Harry, Ron, and know me were trying to wake Percy up but he would just continue to sleep. Harry cast a silencing spell but Apollo and Snape came in and finally got Percy to wake up. My Seaweed Brain was crying in Apollo's shoulder and when the wizard went out of the room Percy still refused to tell us what happened to him in the dream.

Percy POV

I finally got to sleep and this is what happened.

~Percy's Dream~

I was in a cell noseless dude and Kronos came in. Noseless dude said, "I will let you choose do you want everyone that is your friends and wizard friends get tortured or just you?"

I said, "Torture me not my friends."

So Kronos and Noseless dude tortured and I learned that Noseless dude and did not like to get called Noseless dude also I was supposed to tell nobody what was happening.

~End of Dream~

Harry POV

I was wondering what Percy was dreaming of that would make him scream. I mean his dreams could not mean anything right. Everyone that stayed for the holiday was talking about it even though we knew he had PTSD, we were still wondering. He walked out to breakfast like nothing happened and ignored everyone who asked what he was screaming about, I think the whole castle heard because they were looking at him weird.

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