Boy or Girl?

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*5 months*
Emilia's POV
Lauren,  Brandon, Hunter and I are going to see what Lauren is having. I hope she has a boy. We are in the waiting room waiting to get an ultrasound.
"So what are you guys hopeing to have?" I ask
"I hope we have a boy but if we get a girl I would love her no matter what" Lauren says
"I wouldn't mind either" Hunter says
"Lauren" the nurse says
We are all heading back for Lauren's ultrasound. I can tell Hunter is excited about the baby. He has the biggest grin on his face. I can't wait to find out what the baby is going to be.
  Lauren is sitting on the table waiting to get checked. I was thinking a boy the baby and my thought got interrupted by Lauren.
"Hey Buttercup Hunter and I have been thinking do you want to be the godmother of our baby?"
"Are you serious?"
"Of course I will"
"So do you got a godfather for the baby?"
"I think we're going to have Kian be the godfather"
"I think he would like that you are important in his life Lauren"
"When I get the gender I'm going to show Kian and then ask if he wants to be the godfather"
"That's an amazing plan or you can have Hunter ask since he is the baby's father and is Kian's friend too"
"Hunter you want to ask Kian"
"Ok then Hunter will ask him"
*skip to after the appointment*
Lauren's POV
  Well just got out the baby is going ro be a boy and Hunter and I already have the name for the baby. I'm not going to say until the baby is born.
  So now it's time to show Kian and ask if he wants to be the godfather. Hope he says yes. I want Kian to be in the baby's life too he is my boy best friend. I already have my girl best friend as the godmother. I'm so excited to show Kian.
  Kian is sitting in the living room and so is Hunter's mom and brother Ashton they also want to know the gender. I don't know about my parents I haven't talk to them since I told them I was pregnant.
"So what's the gender?" They all day in unison
"It's a...boy" Hunter and I say in unison
We show them the ultrasound. And now it's time to ask Kian.
"So Kian I have something to ask you" Hunter says
"Ok what is it dude?"
"Lauren and I have been thinking do you want to be the vidfather I put baby?"
"Oh my gosh yes of course I will dude"
"Ok we were hopeing you would say that"
"So who's the godmother of the baby?"
"Ok that's awesome"
  We got interrupted by a text from my dad.
*text with my dad*
Pa👞: hey sorry for overreacting about the whole pregnancy thing can you and Hunter come over so we can talk to you both
Me: umm sure we will be there in a bit
*end of text*
"Hunter my parents want us to come over so they can talk to us"
"Ok babe you sure you want to go?"
"Umm yeah"
"Ok let's go can we bring Kian along?"
"Kian do you want to go with me and Hunter?"
  We are driving to my parents house right now. We brought the ultrasounds we have with us so my parents can see them. I'm scared to see what mt parents have to say to me and Hunter.
  We got to my parent's house and are walking in. I think Hunter could tell u was nerves so he grabbed my hand and squeezed it so that I know he's here for me and I looked at Kian and he gave me that reassuring smile so that I know I'm safe. We got inside and both od my parents and all my siblings are sitting in the living room. When I walked in they all looked at me and smiled. Now I'm scared what they are thinking.
"Hey how are you doing?"
"I'm good Lauren how are you doing?"
"I'm tired but doing alright"
"So your probably wondering what we want?"
"Well we started to think about you being pregnant and at first yeah we were mad and upset but then we got over it"
"Well that's good and I want to know if you guys want to see all the ultrasounds and the ultrasound with the gender on it"
"Oh my gosh we would love to"
"Ok here you go" I hand them the ultrasounds.
"Oh my gosh your having a boy"
"So I'm having a grandson on the way"
"Yep 4 more months and the baby will be here"
"So do you have a godmother and godfather for the baby?"
"Yeah" Hunter says
"Well who are they?"
"Kian is the godfather and Emilia is the godmother"
"That's good"
"So do you want to move back in or do you want to stay where your at?"
"I want to stay with Hunter"
"Cause I want him there at night go the baby"
"If you and him want you can both move in and then you will have him around"
"What about his family?"
"They can come visit or you can go to his house so they can see the baby and we'll pay for the gas in the car"
"So what do you want to do Hunter?"
"I think we should move in here because I love this house"
"Ok fine we will love back in the house but you have to keep your promise with us"
"Ok deal"
"And dad you have to help me and Hunter get our stuff moved here because I can't do much being pregnant"
"Ok and we'll have your brothers help too"
"Mom when out stuff gets here can you help me out stuff away?"
"Yeah honey and your sister and Hunter will help too?"
"Ok thanks you all"
"Your welcome" they all day
"So do you have baby things get?"
"Do you want me to throw you a babyshower?"
"Sure that would be amazing"
"Ok we'll do one soon so that we can get announcements out and things planned"
"Ok well better to Hunter's house to pack and tell his mom what's going on?"
*skip the ride to Hunter's house*
  We walk into the house and tell his brothers and mom that me and him are moving in with my parents and they understand. They are happy We made a plan to come and see them with the baby.
*skip to back at Lauren's house*
  We got everything out away and are in the living room planng my babyshower. Its going to be at my house and we're inviting my friends and family and Hunter' s friends and family. I'm actually pretty excited to plan a babyshower with my mom, sister, and boyfriend/baby daddy.

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