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Lauren's POV
Hunter wanted to invite all the bridesmaids and groomsmen on our honeymoon. I agreed because they were part of the wedding and are important to me and him. I was packing my bags and then had to go get Asher's ready. Then had to get the twins bag ready and then get the diaper bag ready.
"Yes Asher?"
"Why are you packing bags?"
"We are going on a trip with daddy"
"To have time away from the house since daddy and I got married yesterday"
Then Asher leaves.
After I got the bags ready I walked into Asher's room. I see he is packing toys and all I could do was smile because it was so cute.
"Need any help pack my toys honey?"
"Yes mommy"
"Why so many toys?"
"To have toys on the plane so daddy and I can play with toys"
I couldn't help but smile. Lately Hunter hasn't payed attention to Asher because the twins have his attention so Asher feels left out.
"Hey after your done should you and I go get food together before we have to leave?"
He has the biggest grin on his face.
"So I take that as a yes"
"Yes mommy"
He may be two but he can say a lot more words and I'm happy he can talk.
I haven't payed much attention to him and I feel so bad so that's why I'm gonna take him out to get food.
"I'll be right back I'm gonna go ask aunt Emilia if she can watch the twins while I go out with you"
"Ok mommy I'm gonna finish packing my toys"
I hug and kiss him.
I walk out and go to Emilia's room.
"Can you watch the twins while I take Asher out to eat because Hunter and I haven't payed much attention to him and he feels left out and I..."
"Feel bad because he is your baby boy and the only boy you have besides Hunter"
"Of course I will watch the twins because I see Asher's face when he try's to talk to you guys and then the twins cry and both of you go get the twins. He once had tears in his eyes so I went to talk to him and see why he had tears and he said I want mommy and daddy to pay attention to me but they are busy with the babies"
"Thanks well they are in my room sleeping and Kian is in the kitchen if you need any help. I owe you"
"No you don't because I'm doing you a favor so Asher doesn't feel left out"
I hug her and quickly went back to Asher's room.
"Ready to go baby boy"
"Yes mommy and I'm not a baby I'm a big boy"
"I'm sorry mommy's big boy"
I grab his hand and we walk out to the car. I put Asher's car seat in the front with me. Then I put Asher in his seat.
"So where should we go big boy?"
"McDonald's because they have cool toys"
"Haha you and toys"
We went to McDonald's to get food and ate there so that him and I can have time together without anybody else.
*skip to after eating and arriving at home*
I get home with Asher and we walk inside.
Hunter's POV
I was in the twin's room and when I walked out I didn't see Lauren anywhere. So I decided to ask Emilia where she was. I walked to my room since I couldn't get find her in her own.
"Emilia where's Lauren?"
"She went to take Asher out to eat since you two haven't payed much attention to him but she texted me that she will be back soon"
"Oh I feel so bad for not paying attention to him it's just..."
"That the twins have your guys attention more than your first born. So what are you doing in the twins room since the twins are in here with me?"
"I'm getting the room decorated so that the twins can stay in there"
"You should pack your clothes we leave in not that long"
"I already packed so I'm trying to waste my time"
Our conversation got interrupted when Lauren texted me.
*Text with Lauren*
Wifey💍: I'm gonna get everybody Tacos🌮
Me: Thanks wifey. What did u and Asher get?😊
Wifey💍: We are having McDs because Asher thinks the toys are cool🍔
Me: Haha god I love that kid
Wifey💍: So...um...guess what Asher packed on his own?
Me: What?🤔
Wifey💍: His toys so that u and him can play with them on the plane😊
Me: That's so cute. So since u spent time with him today when we get the place we're going I'm going to spend time with him by myself like u r right now.👌
Wifey💍: Sounds good to me. Well I better head to get the Tacos and then home. See ya soon baby☺️
Me: See ya soon
*end of text*
Asher's POV
It's great spending time with my mommy. I don't get my mommy and daddy's attention lately because of my two sisters.
Mommy says that we are going to get tacos for everyone else and then head home so they can eat before we go on our trip.
I packed toys so that daddy and me can play with toys on the plane.
Lauren's POV
On the way home with food for everybody else. I look over and see my precious baby boy sleeping in the passenger seat with the rest of his food on his lap and his toy in his hand.
I can't believe my baby is 2 and is speaking so many words. I think he had fun with me today. He would sing with me when I turned the radio on and he would giggle when I grabbed his little hand.
*at home*
I quickly ran inside and out he food on the table.
I heard footsteps coming down the stairs as I'm walking out the door.
I quickly get back to the car and grab Asher's food and toy and put them on top of the car and then unbuckle him and grab him and close then door. Then I grab his food and toy and walk back inside.
Once I get inside I put Asher on the couch.
I walk into their hen and see Emilia and Kian holding the twins.
I grab Jordyne from Kian and put her in the swing in the living room. Then walk back to the kitchen and grab Jessalyn from Emilia and put her in the other in the other swing. Both of them were sleeping. I walked back into the kitchen and sit on top of the counter.
"When do we leave?"
"We're leaving after y'all are done eating or when I say lets go and if your not done eating you can bring your tacos along"
I look over at Hunter and see that his taco is sitting on the table and I smirk at him since he isn't payed attention. I hop off the counter and walk over to table and sit in the chair next to him. He is looking at his phone so I grabbed his taco and took a bite and he noticed.
"Heeeeyyyy that's my taco"
I smile and get up and sit on his lap. I kiss him and he kisses back.
"Hey hey hey let him finish so we can leave"
*skip to the plane*
Hunter and Asher are sitting next to each other I have Jessalyn and Emilia has Jordyne. Asher and Hunter are playing with toys. I think it's so adorable seeing them play together. When we get the hotel Emilia and I are taking the twins swimming for the first time. Hunter and Kian are going to take Asher to go get some ice cream so that Hunter can spend time with Asher.
*skip to the hotel*
Hunter and Kian left with Asher already. Emilia and I are getting the floats so that the twins can sit on them so that they don't get wet since they still have that thing in their stomach from the umbilical cord and can get it wet.
Now we are getting dressed. After we got done I looked at Emilia and seen the tattoo we got on our sides.
"Haha oh my I remember getting our tattoos. It was so random in the day"
"Yeah but I love that we got best friend tattoos and not different ones"
We quickly get the twins in their bathing suits. Then we walk out and I think some fans noticed me.
"Oh my gosh your Lauren right?"
"Yes I am"
"Why didn't you go on tour with Hunter?"
"Well because I was pregnant with these two babies" I say and they look at Jordyne and Jessalyn.
"They are so adorable"
"Thanks well we're gonna go see ya around"
*skip to the pool*
I was getting everything ready to go into the pool. Then I get a text on my phone I thought it as Hunter but it wasn't it was...Sammy.
*text with Sammy*
Wilkinson😒: I am at the hotel where r u?
Me: At the pool with the twins and Emilia
Wilkinson😒: Do u mind if Skate and come swim with u guys?
Me: Sure I guess but be careful fans are around I already got stopped by one but I didn't take pictures with them I just talked and then left to go swimming
Wilkinson😒: Ok we r just gonna run after we get ready so see ya in a bit
Me: yup
*end of texts*
I put my phone on a table next to Emilia's and then put the key in the diaper bag.
"Well Sammy and Skate are coming to swim with us"
Emilia puts the floaty on the ground and I hand her Jessalyn. Then I grab the floaty off the ground and climb into the pool with them and set them up as Emilia hands me Jessalyn. Before we got Jordyne in her floaty Sammy and Skate walk in.
"Here I'll hold her so you can get in" Skate says
Emilia hands him Jordyne and climbs in and grabs the floaty from me. Skate hands Jordyne to her.
"You guys coming in?" I ask only looking at Skate.
Sammy can tell I'm still mad at him but what he did to me was the stupidest thing he did.
"Yeah" Skate says
"Um...Lauren..." Sammy says and I finally look at him.
"C-can we talk?"
"Sure I guess. Skate can you come hold up this floaty and make sure her stomach doesn't get wet"
"Yeah babygirl" he quickly got in the pool after he puts his stuff on a table.
I got out and Sammy had a weird expression on his face.
"What are you looking at?"
"You got a tattoo?"
"Yeah Best Friend Tattoo with Emilia"
"What does ur day and what does hers say?"
"Mines says "Together forever never apart" and hers says "maybe in distance but never in heart" but instead of writing out heart he can draw a heart"
I grab a towel and Sammy and I go and talk.
*skip to after swimming*
Skate hands Jessalyn up to me and Emilia hands Jordyne up to Sammy. Then they both grab a floaty and get out of the pool. Then we all left after gathering all our stuff. Once we get back to the room and see Asher on the bed sleeping and Hunter was next to him watching TV and Kian was on the couch in his phone. Hunter looked at me and smiled and then his smile faded when he seen that Sammy was carrying Jordyne.
He didn't say a word he just got up and walked over to me and kissed me.
"I love spends my time with Asher. Sometime this week you and I and Asher and the twins need to go out as a family and no one else"
"Let's do that tomorrow"
I kiss him and hand him Jessalyn.
"Get her dressed I'm going to go get dressed and Kian can you get Jordyne dressed. Don't forget to change their diapers before getting them in their pajamas and is Asher in his pajamas?"
"Yes did that when we got back"
I smile and quickly go get into my pajamas. Then I come out and lay down seeing that the twins are I cribs sleeping. Sammy and Skate changed and are laying on the ground on their phone. Hunter moved Asher to the couch next to Kian and Kian is where he was when we walked into the room. Emilia is on the other side of Kian already changed. I go lay next to Hunter and drift off to sleep.
Sorry that I haven't wrote for a while. I had to move into a new house. Then I got sick when I wanted to write but now I finally got it done.
Comment a "💍" if you think I should do more.

Having A Life(Hunter Rowland and Sammy Wilkinson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now