I'm having how many?

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1.56K views I'm so excited that this book got that many views. I'm thinking about doing a Q&A page so comment questions and I'll answer them. Thanks and enjoy this chapter.😊
*5 months later*
Lauren's POV
I have an ultrasound today. I get to see if I'm having a boy or girl today.
I'm waiting for my name to be called so I can go back. I'm way bigger than my last pregnancy and I have way more cravings than I did before.
Hunter is on tour with his friends for Magcon so I asked Emilia to come with me today. I'm very proud of Hunter and I'm not mad at him for going on tour. I'm happy as long as he is happy. My thoughts got interuppted by my name getting called.
Emilia helped me stand so that I don't fall back.
"Your welcome. I'm always here for you. I mean I do live with you"
We walk back to room and I get on the table and get ready for the ultrasound. Emilia holds my hand and watch's the screen while they check on the baby.
"Well Lauren, did you ever get told you are having twins in any of your over ultrasounds?"
"Well your having twin girls...congrats" the doctor says and then smiles.
"Oh my gosh Bambi that's great news" Emilia says and I'm in shock.
"Well whenever your ready to go you can. Just go up the desk and make your 6 months checkup for the babies"
"Ok thanks doctor" I say and then smile.
Emilia help a me down off the table. We walk to the front desk and I schedule my 6 months check-up.
I'm still in shock that I'm pregnant with twins. I'm going to text Hunter tonight and tell him but I have to go get Kian and Asher to go out and eat. I'm starving and so is Emilia. We has home to get the two boys.
I walk inside and see Asher on the couch sleeping and Kian watching Netflix.
"Kian, are you hungry?"
"Ok let's go out and eat and I'll tell you some news about the baby or babies" I whisper the laat part to myself.
"What was that?"
"Nothing let's just go and get ready to go"
Emilia walks over and picks up Asher and brings him to his room. I follow her because Asher is to heavy for me to carry since I'm pregnant.
We get to the room and I pick out Ashers clothes. Emilia picks out his shoes. I wake him up and get ho clothes on and Emilia gets his shoes on.
"So how do you think Hunter is going to react to you being prego with twins?" She whispers the twin part to me so that no one else can hear.
"I have no idea because I was in shock when I heard it myself"
"Haha I know you had no idea what to say"
We finish getting Asher ready and walked back downstairs and went to Starbucks.
We got our food and drinks and went to sit down.
"So what did you hear about the baby today?"
"Well babies actually, Kian"
"Wait what?"
"I'm pregnant with twin girls"
"Oh my god. Have you told Hunter yet?"
"No I'm going to text him tonight and knowing him, he will call when he is free"
"That's a good idea"
"After Lauren found out she was in shock and had no idea what to say"
"Hey Emilia can I ask you a question?"
"Sure, Kian"
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Oh my gosh yes I would love to be your girlfriend"
"Well this is great. Two things happen today while Hunter is away" I said.
We decided to take Asher to the park for a bit well until it was dark. Kian ran around and played with Asher since I can't do much climbing up the playground. I smile seeing Asher having so much with Kian.
While they were play I got to thinking about how Hunter and his friends got invited to be part of Magcon. Hunter seemed so happy when he received that message from Bart. I got invited to be part of Magcon but I can't travel right now. I told him after I have the baby I will sure be happy to join. Yes I said baby but I didn't know at the time they were twins. When I join I'm gonna get a nanny for the babies and Asher. Just so that Hunter and I have help.
*skip to it being dark outside*
We head back home and I got ready for bed and put him down for bed since it was dark out and it's his bed time.
I got to thinking about how Hunter is going to react when I text him. I'm scared if he isn't happy that we're having twins.
I get my phone out and text him.

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