Chapter 3

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"This house is beautiful!"

Belle was in awe at the high ceilings, the spacious rooms, dark wooden floors, the large fireplace in the living room, and the old-fashioned feel to the entire home.

"It's even better than the photos we saw of it," she exclaimed.

"Right?" Emma affirmed. "Then again, it's always like that. I remember first moving to this town with--"

Killian glared at Emma and she immediately went quiet for a second before finishing her sentence. "--moving to this town...and I had the exact same experience as you did Belle." She smiled weakly. "The houses always look so much nicer in person."

Belle gave Emma a nod, sensing the tension between her and Killian. She snuck a peak at Robert and noticed he saw it as well, judging by the slight frown on his face. As for Henry, he spent the time wandering around the living room, kitchen, and dining area. He came back to the group and said, "This is cool! Why couldn't we get a house like this, Mom? Well, minus the pink and green on the outside."

They all laughed, the tension quickly ceasing. Robert put a hand on Henry's shoulder. "Well Henry, seeing as how incredibly small this town is, you're going to have a hard time with finding the house you want."

"Uh..who says I'm still gonna be in Storybrooke? Yeah I don't planning on staying forever. I'm getting the hell out as soon as possible."

"Really?" said Emma with a laugh. "And with who's money?"

"Mine. I can get a job."

Robert chuckled. "Oh, Henry. You are growing much too fast."

"Seriously, kid. Don't rush it. Being an adult is NOT easy. Trust me," Emma said.

Killian scoffed. "Well it could be if he stays by me for a while." He put his arm around Henry and pulled him closer to his side. "The lad could work with me, and I can teach him all the things he needs to know in order to be a real man. Especially when it comes to the ladies." He winked at Belle.

Belle rolled her eyes as Robert said, "I don't think that's necessary. Henry doesn't need to be a dim-witted womanizer in order to be a 'real' man."

Killian raised a brow. "And what would you know anything about it?"

"Killian," Emma whined.
He laughed heartily. "I was joking! Come on! Why is everyone so glum all the time? It was a joke! No hard feelings Mr. Gold?"

Robert stared at him for a moment before faking a smile and replying, "No...not at all Mr. Jones."

The house was filled with awkward silence as the men continued their staring contest.

Belle cleared her throat. "Um, let's start getting our stuff out of the car Robert, and maybe later we can head out to dinner?"

"Yes!" Emma interjected. "That's a great idea. Do you guys know when your moving van is going to arrive?"

"In a couple days they said."

With that, they all went back outside to unload the boxes and materials from the Cadillac.


A couple hours went by as the team worked on getting the stuff Robert and Belle brought into the house and organized into the proper areas. They cleaned and dusted the floors and set up the queen sized airbed in the master bedroom. The room itself was cozy, and even had its own newly electric fireplace along with the balcony. Belle was very pleased and she gave Robert a grateful kiss on the lips.

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