Chapter 42

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Belle, Kathryn, and Emma made it to the Nolan's with no issue. Kathryn opened the garage from inside the house and allowed Emma to park inside. This way, if Killian drove by, he wouldn't know of her whereabouts.

Belle sat on the sofa, a little shaken. Kathryn put the baby to sleep on the daybed, as she wanted him close by. Emma was pacing.

The doorknob turned and Kathryn sighed of tremendous relief as her husband walked in. She ran over and wrapped her arms around him.

"You made it!" she exhaled.

Belle and Emma were also able to breathe easier.

"I'm glad you're all ok. I was really worried. I drove as fast as I could," James said.

"He's still out there? Looking?" Emma asked worriedly.

"He won't find you. If he comes I want you and Belle to go upstairs. I'm sorry for the trouble Belle but I really didn't want you alone if Killian were to--"

"It's absolutely no trouble. At all," Belle assured hurriedly. And it really wasn't. She was grateful to have James think of her safety. "Thank you."

"Of course. And I'm going to meet with Spenser first thing early tomorrow to see when I can get Robert out. The sooner the better."

Belle nodded with tears in her eyes. She gave James a quick hug for everything he was doing for her and her husband.

"Do the other guys at the precinct know?" Emma wondered.

"No. I didn't tell them. But Clark caught me with the stuff and ran like the place was on fire. Emma, I really think he's got something to do with this. He secretly met with Killian the day before Robert was arrested and now all this."

Emma nodded, trying to take it all in. "I agree. And is it true? He wants to hurt you and Kathryn? He SAID that?"

"Heavily implied SOMETHING. And it's not gonna be pretty. I...this can't happen. He can come after me all he wants but...I can't let him do anything to Kathryn or my son."

"Don't talk like that! He's not going to do anything," Kathryn said with a tremble. "You'll get to him before he does!"

Fat drops of tears ran down Emma's cheeks. "I'm so sorry," she sobbed. "This is all my fault."

"Emma..." James began.

"No honey, this isn't your fault," Belle said, now holding Emma.

Emma wept softly on Belle's shoulder. If only she had seen it earlier, the monster hidden behind the sweet mask...none of this would be happening. Instead she had chosen to be blind, because she was desperate. Desperate for love and companionship. Yet now that she thinks of it, she had had had it all along. She had Neal, and then he passed. Then she had Regina, and now she was gone too. She had Belle and Robert and Henry, but she had pushed them away. And it was all her fault, no matter how anybody tried to put it.

Now Emma didn't know what Killian was going to do. She couldn't hide from him forever. Eventually, he'd find her. It wasn't a large town. She couldn't let him hurt her, or the people she cared about. This situation was frightening but she had to do something. Killian was getting desperate to cover up his tracks. And if he couldn't get to Emma...what would he do next?

Emma abruptly pulled back from Belle's hug. "The station! The evidence!" she blurted.

James raised a brow. "What?"

"If he doesn't find me, he might try and go back and get rid of the stuff. Hell he might do that either way!"

"No!" Belle shouted in disdain. She didn't want that happening.

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