Chapter 24

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Belle stepped out of the bedroom balancing a tray of empty plates in one hand whilst closing the door behind her with the other. She took a deep breath and sighed, feeling at lost. Another day had almost passed and....nothing. Simply nothing. How long was this supposed to go on?

She wanted Robert to talk to her, but he always left her hanging. He was meek and quiet, sometimes frustrated and irritable. Belle didn't know what to do. This had been going on for weeks with little to no changes.

On that dreadful Ball Night, when Killian had announced his surprising engagement to Emma Swan, Robert suffered a deadly heart attack. He was rushed to the hospital, unconscious and limp. Not a single breath out of him. Belle could never forget the sudden darkness looming over her head, the feeling of terror and trepidation. She had almost lost her husband that night.

But she didn't. She didn't lose him. He was still here, and Belle would always count her blessings on that. But...he just wasn't the same. There was something bothering him and she couldn't get it out of him. Was it about the Ball? The engagement? What?

Belle hadn't forgotten what Killian had attempted to do to her either, but she decided it was best to put her own problems on hold. She hadn't told Robert. There was no need for the added trouble. In fact, she didn't tell ANYONE about the confrontation. It was hard having to deal with it all on her own, especially still seeing Killian around, but she put on a brave face and pushed through each day. Robert needed her now, that is what's important.

She washed the dishes and sat on the sofa, tuning out what was playing on TV. Belle closed her eyes, trying her best to relax. But all she could remember at the moment was the Robert's gasped breath, the horrific engagement, the look on her husband's face when he fell to the ground....

Then the hospital. The hours ticked by and Belle spent most of it in the little chapel praying her heart out. She wasn't religious and neither was Robert, but she felt this was needed for both of them, even if she did feel a little guilty for calling God only when life was inconvenient. Mother Superior had arrived as well and sat by her side, whispering words of reassurance. Belle still had on the golden dress at the time. She hated the sight of it now, didn't even bother cleaning it up. It went straight to the dump where it belonged.

Belle stayed with Robert at the hospital the entire week. She had Emma go to her house and pick up some clothes and supplies and drop them off. Sometimes Killian would do this when Emma was busy and they'd both frequently drop by to see how Robert was doing. Henry was still on house arrest at the time, so he was not able to come for visits, to both his and Robert's dismay. But Belle was thankful to see other citizens and friends come, including James and Kathryn. It was nice to see friends being there for them at their roughest time.

Belle didn't speak much to Killian, or make good eye contact. Their conversations about Robert lasted about a minute at most. Otherwise, she would always make herself busy with Emma and Robert.

As for Robert himself, he was grateful to have his friends and family by his side, and although he was less than happy about the engagement, he came to terms with it. As long as Emma was happy that was what mattered, but....

"If you wrongfully hurt her, I'll come after you myself Mr. Jones. And it won't be pretty," Robert snarled as he gripped Killian's arm and pulled him closer. The ladies were out of sight at the moment, probably down at the cafeteria, and he wanted his message about his ex daughter-in-law to be loud and clear.

Killian scoffed. "Threatening me on your deathbed? Is that smart?"

"Who says this is my death bed?" Robert gritted his teeth and Killian shoved him off and backed away in discomfort.

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