Chapter 33

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Robert took long strides down the street after a meeting at the mayor's office, cane tapping roughly on the ground as he walked. Word had spread about his position, as Regina had predicted it would, and now Robert noticed the many eyes that followed him, glancing or staring. He didn't care. He was still upset, and he knew those stares were not only for being the new assistant mayor, but rather because of what occurred at that damn trial. So many people had attended, and he had lost his temper in front of them all. It didn't matter though. Despite the pity and laughter behind his back, at least no one was approaching him. Absolutely no one, not even the people he once thought were his friends. They were not around to offer comfort. Who could blame them? He was a tainted man with a tainted family, a tainted bloodline. Everyone was afraid of his rage. Robert didn't care. It was better this way, he was glad they were afraid. It ensured he would be left alone, as he had much bigger things to worry about.

Henry was set to die some time in September. Robert was determined to not let that happen. They would have to wait a while, as things were a bit hectic right now, and Robert and Regina had yet to come up with a way to get entrance and exit to the prison without being seen. One thing was for sure, it all had to be done before September ever came. Then, he would leave with his family...taking Regina along with him.

It had surprised Robert when Regina requested she leave too, but he was relieved to hear it. After all, it's what he had wanted for her as well. He never actually thought she would suggest the idea herself.

As Robert walked, he saw a familiar figure with dark hair and a leather jacket approaching a few yards away. It sickened him to his stomach.

Killian smirked when they met face to face. "Hello Mr. Gold. Lovely day is it not?"

Robert scoffed. "Not while my grandson is still locked away, with no way for me to see him."

"I guess you'll just have to wait know...the big day," the other man replied, with a hint of sadness etched into his voice. Robert scowled. Killian seemed anything but genuine about this. Either the man was a terrible actor, or he was just mocking Robert.

Robert didn't really understand why Killian would do such a thing as mocking, or why he would be ok with Henry's situation since the two had always seemed fairly close and friendly, not to mention the boy was his fiancee's son. But that was the key word though: seemed. Everything here was not as it seemed. There was something wrong with Killian's behavior, well...more than usual at least...and Robert knew it, but there was no way to be sure what was going on. After all, Robert was also almost sure the man was involved with the Maze incident. Whether he set Henry and his friends up or not that night was another question that would never be answered.

"Yes. The day my grandboy is murdered in front of me. I'm sure you'll be doing the honors Mr. Jones?" Robert spat sarcastically.

Killian furrowed his brows. "Murder? It's not murder Mr. Gold. Henry, as devastating as this is, committed a crime. He's only receiving the punishment given to him by the court of law." He let out a pained sigh, one that didn't convince Robert of anything. "And who's to say I'll be pulling that rope this time?"

Robert shrugged. "I don't know, just seems like something you'd do."

Killian narrowed his eyes, one side of his mouth twitching up. "Funny thing you should bring up murder like that. It isn't something I would do. I believe you would though."

Killian enjoyed the look on Robert's face right then, one of shock and fear as if he'd been found out or something. It was there for a few quick seconds, then gone, the face hardened and cold again. A hint of anger traced beneath his gaze. Killian marveled at it. He loved getting under Gold's skin like this. It's not like the older man could suddenly figure it all out and search his home for hidden bugs and cameras. Killian just needed to be careful not to let too much out, but he couldn't resist having fun. He wanted to have as much of it before taking Robert out of the picture. Killian was especially gleeful that the other man didn't know he was straight up lying through his teeth. Of course Killian Jones would murder. It was the only way to get what he wanted, what he deserved. He would murder Mr. Gold and everyone he cared for, be the leader he was meant to be, and laugh over their stupid little graves. He suddenly wondered whether or not Robert had seen the broken patch he had made on Neal's tombstone. Most likely not. Regina had annoyingly hired someone to make a new one quickly, and probably didn't inform Robert of this to save him some heartbreak.

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