Chapter 45

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The Finale: Part 1

Belle jerked herself awake, realizing she had fallen asleep. Robert was beside her, eyes closed. She checked his bandages and saw they needed to be changed, but she had already used up most of what the first aid kit had.

The large clock behind them ticked loudly, causing Robert to stir and then wince from his bleeding wounds.

Belle became aware of the time. They had spent half the night up in the clock tower. It would be dawn soon. Was everyone still out there looking for them? Or did they call it a night? Belle hoped it would be the latter. She needed to get them home and treat Robert's injuries as properly as she could.

"Robert, honey," she whispered while he groaned, "are you ok? Can you move?"

With her help, Robert was able to sit up. "I think so. How long have we been here?"

"A few hours."

"Nothing happened?"

"It seems not. But we need to get you home. Your bandages have to be removed."

Robert scrunched his face at his own mess. "You're right. They're sore too."

"Are you sure you'll make it? It's late. Maybe everybody's gone home. I could always run back and get--"

"Don't. I wouldn't count on that. It's too dangerous for you to be out there yourself." He sighed. "Though it probably wouldn't make much difference with me....I'd only slow you down."

"I'll be quick." She went to stand, but Robert ushered her down.

"No! With me, or without, it's not safe."

"But Robert, you're turning pale," Belle said, her voice cracking.

Robert closed his eyes, trying to think of anything but the aching in his arm and stomach. It was only going to get worse from here if they didn't move.

"Then we should head out now," Robert affirmed, reaching for the cane nearby.

Belle helped him to his feet as best she could, but it wasn't easy. He struggled and almost toppled over her.

"You need a doctor," she said.

Robert scoffed at that silly notion. What doctor in Storybrooke would bother? Though this did remind him of Belle's condition. He desperately wanted to know if she and the baby were one hundred percent alright, but felt too weak to speak up.

She led him into the nearby elevator. "Come on," she urged, "we better get moving."


He did not want to be seen like this, no, not to his people. Not just yet.

Killian figured, with the faint shouts from outside, that they were looking for Gold. He also heard bits of his own name being called too. It's just as well, after all he was the one who was supposed to be leading this hunt. But he was too weak to do anything at the moment.

In desperate need of rest, Killian somewhat crawled with aching arms to the back room of the pawnshop. He collapsed, slowly breathing in and painfully breathing out. Gold's condition was worse, the man should still be bleeding out somewhere in town. Hiding. With Belle.

Killian ground his teeth in frustration and anticipation of finding them. His eyelids drooped and the pain was still there. He coughed and his mouth hurt, still wet with blood. It was hard to stay awake. Killian figured he should sleep and hoped his condition wouldn't be so bad by the time he awoke. There was no way it could get better, but he at least wanted to have the ability to walk a bit. Or hobble. Whatever it took.

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