Chapter 31

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Regina walked out of Modern Fashions carrying two shopping bags in one hand and a cellphone in the other. She had just spoken to a woman from the last council meeting about expanding the sewing business to Main Street. Regina let out a breath and put the small flip-phone back into her purse. She was suddenly in the mood for some coffee. Luckily there was a coffee-cart not too far from where she was standing and the smell emitting from it was delightful. Perhaps it was the reason for her craving. Regina flipped her short hair out from her face and with the clicking of her heels made her way toward the cart and in line. People nodded and respectfully said hello to their mayor as they waited.

Regina finally received her much needed coffee with her free hand. She took a sip, turned around, and--

"Sorry! Sorry!" a young woman shrieked out when she bumped into Regina and caused the coffee to spill. Most of the mess was on Regina's dress suit, but some had gotten on the young woman's jeans and shirt as well. Regina could not say a word as she looked over herself in disdain and especially did not appreciate the titters of people surrounding her. She took pride in the way she was viewed by the townspeople. As a woman in leadership, it was important to gain as much respect as possible, and in Storybrooke, who had been run by her father before her, it was difficult to keep that level of respect at the same level. One slip could ruin a woman much MUCH faster than one from a male.

The coffee cup lay on the floor in a puddle of its own hot mess. Regina narrowed her eyes at the girl in disgust. Curly blonde hair tied in a low ponytail, green eyes, blue leather jacket. Pretty, and fairly young, most likely in her very early twenties or possibly younger in her late teens. Her movements indicated an obvious klutz. She wondered who this could be, and why she had never seen her before. Regina didn't know everyone in town of course, but she knew faces and what the general population consisted of.

"Oh my god," the blonde said rapidly, her face red in embarrassment. "I'm really really sorry. I was just passing by and-and I didn't see you right away and then um..." She chuckled sheepishly. "I'm sorry about this. Let me buy you another coffee." The girl began to scurry over to the cart, not caring that she was cutting the others already in line. Of course, there were complaints and they forced her to back off, much to the girl's annoyance.

"Madame Mayor, are you alright?" an older lady asked Regina. Regina stiffly nodded and the blonde woman gasped.

"Wh-Mayor?" Her blush deepened. Regina found it amusing. "Wow, you're...young--"

"Yes. Mayor," Regina asserted. "And don't worry about the coffee. It's just...not meant to be I suppose." She regained her proper composure, trying not to let this incident, or the fact that hot coffee still burned through her dress, bother her.

"M-Madame Mayor," the girl stammered nervously. She stepped forward and almost tripped but caught balance quickly. Regina rolled her eyes. This was getting irritating. This GIRL was irritating. And the fact that she didn't even know who Regina was confirmed her guess that she was new in town.

Regina would ask of her identity, but she didn't feel like trying with her. This girl is too jumpy and excited. It was immature.

"I should get going," Regina said pointedly. "I need a new change of clothes and then it's back to the office for me." She turned away right when the girl grabbed her arm. Regina hissed.

"Please Madame Mayor, let me make it up to you and at least buy you coffee. I let yours go to waste and I feel bad...especially since you're, like..the MAYOR and all." The blonde giggled nervously. Regina didn't like her forwardness. What is it with this girl?

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