Chapter 39

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Belle walked briskly home after her encounter with Killian, her heart practically beating through her chest. She was so shaken and it was starting to show the closer she got home, back to the place she considered safe enough to let her guard down. Belle unlocked the door and stumbled inside, not caring about Sweet Pea jumping past her and into the house.

Breathing unsteadily, she kicked off her heels, ran upstairs, and threw herself face down on the bed. Sweet Pea followed, meowing.

Belle sobbed. So many thoughts bombarded her, most of them insanely frightening. She felt incredibly...INCREDIBLY grateful for her past knowledge and experiences, as she was able to figure out dirty men's tricks and such just from seeing it happen to friends at bars, or from reading a lot of information on warning signs and behaviors of men intending to intoxicate a woman.

Belle had always been alert and cautious at establishments that served alcohol, but luckily, something like this had never happened directly to her until now, and at a diner of all places! With TEA!

Belle let out a soft cry, letting the distressed tears run freely. At the moment it didn't matter that she had gotten out of there safely without allowing him to succeed, all Belle could think about was what COULD have happened back there. What if she didn't have a gut feeling that something was wrong when he dropped her purse like that? What if her compact never fell out of her bag, thus not giving her the chance to casually sneak a peek through the little mirror and make sure her gut was right about it all? She had not seen exactly what he dropped, but did notice his hand over the tea and his nervous glancing and closed the compact before he could notice what she was doing. But that initial suspicion was enough to decide the tea was tainted. Though what if it wasn't enough? What if she were to drink the tea? What was to happen to her then?

Belle knew she was overthinking, and she shouldn't. She didn't want to think the worst but she couldn't help it. It was eating away at her because she knew not all women were as lucky as she was tonight. She was just thinking of her own possible demise and crying about it. Fearing the worst.

Killian's madness was escalating, this was not something he would have attempted before. This was a nightmare and it was only going to get so much worse. She couldn't shake the fact that Keith was there too...KEITH. Whatever those rotten scumbags were up to, one thing for sure was they were planning to take her away. Whatever they would do to her, they would do TOGETHER.

Belle scrambled out of bed and ran to the toilet to throw up. Sweet Pea walked in and cocked her head, as if concerned about her unofficial owner's well-being. Belle sat back against the tub, face glistening with sweat, breathing heavily.

A little spaced out, she simply watched Sweet Pea unroll the toilet paper and make a mess. Belle wanted Robert to come home, she needed to tell him what happened. She touched her belly, knowing full well the seriousness of this situation. She could have lost her baby tonight.

Belle left Sweet Pea to her unrolling and headed into the bedroom where her purse lay. She dug out her cellphone and called her husband, hoping to know when he would be coming home.


Emma was glad to enter a quiet house after a long day at work. It was draining, mostly emotionally. She looked around her home, the home Killian had bought for both of them. She remembered unpacking, decorating, arranging everything just the way they liked. Killian was so careful and detailed. She took a wavering breath, again feeling that pang of guilt mixed with fear. The only reason she was digging onto her own husband-to-be was so that she could CLEAR him, at least that's the conclusion she came to today after her talk with James. Emma wanted to know FOR SURE that Killian was in no way involved, that way she could breathe easier and move on to finding the culprit without anything pulling her back.

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