Chapter 28

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Robert took a deep breath as he followed the officer through the police station, past the empty holding cells, and into another door that led them down a hallway. Eventually they would come across the area where long term prisoners are kept. Robert felt soft and soothing fingers entwine through his own and immediately relaxed a bit. He was lucky to have Belle being so supportive of him and his family. He didn't know if this meant he was totally off the hook for everything else that had transpired between them the last few days, but he knew it wouldn't be a good idea to ask.

It didn't really matter at the moment because their issues were insignificant to what's happening now. Robert didn't think things could go from bad to worse at this point but it did. Many were surprised to see their mayor on a wheelchair with a bloody head at the hospital last night. Robert and Belle stood by her side until she was taken safely into a room, all while monitoring the doctor's and the nurses' moves, not trusting that they would treat Regina kindly if they were not there. They stayed with her until she was stitched up and given proper pain medication. The look he had seen in her eyes as she swallowed down the pills...Robert had never felt so terribly sorry. The woman was supposed to be in a position of leadership and respect, yet her own community would rather taunt, humiliate, and HURT her rather than listen. Regina looked ultimately defeated and broken, and it raised some questions for Robert. He wondered how long Storybrooke had treated her this way. Regina, after a moment's silence, answered that things haven't gotten this bad before. The mayor always felt she was less than respected given the old school mentality of the town and who her father was, but people wouldn't give her too hard a time. They knew she was their mayor, and that was something to be accepted. But early last year, something changed. The heart of Storybrooke was darkened. A certain fisherman decided to establish a living in this town. Things were ok for a while, but this man made quite the influence. He built friendships with practically everyone he met. He was good in bringing money from his fishing business. He volunteered at the school and the animal shelter. The man had a face, figure, and dashing smile that could swoon any woman off her feet, complete with a strong voice that would make anybody listen. He's not the sharpest tool in the shed at times, but he knows his way around people. That very same man clawed his way into the political offices of Storybrooke and took a seat on the council. And he took every chance at challenging the mayor, taking care to make sure others were around to see it. This is where it began, escalating over time.

Regina told them this, without mentioning a name. She didn't have to from the looks of Belle's wide blue orbs and Robert's glaring but worried gaze, they already knew. The nurse came back and told Regina that the medicine might make her a bit woozy. She nodded and thought to take a personal day tomorrow. Then, Robert and Belle took her home.

Today was fairly interesting. A large town meeting was held, confusing the Golds since Regina was supposed to be out of office for the day. But no, it wasn't Regina's orders, it was Mr. Spenser's call. The old gentleman was taking over for Regina for the time being. The meeting was regarding Henry and the others in captive. And the leader of this meeting was none other than Mr. Killian Jones.

The once leather clad man had changed his appearance, now wearing a suit and looking professionally regal and prepared. If one didn't know who the actual mayor was, they'd think it was him. Robert glowered with disgust and Belle just stared into the shiny floor.

So many people had shown up, arguing and yelling about what is to be done for the safety of their kids and for the town. Belle and Robert took a seat all the way in the back to listen in. Mr. Spenser welcomed Killian to the podium, who did what he was best at: smile, wink, and reassure the crowd it would be alright as long as he was here. He wouldn't let the masked boys get away with it. Robert, as heated as he was, did have to admit that this man was good at convincing people he wasn't bias. Everyone knows about his relationship with Sheriff Swan and her son, but Killian assured them that, while this is a VERY unfortunate incident, laws are laws and there's no breaking them for only one person. He talked of fairness and justice, and how while Mayor Mills was out being incompetent, he and Mr. Spenser will work together to make sure everyone's daughters, wives, and mothers are safe from harm and how they can't allow something like this to happen again. Belle couldn't help but quietly scoff at that. But what worried both her and Robert was what he said next.

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