A Dive In My Past: My Sins

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"C'mon Dem!!!!" A cheery voice called out my name.

"Crona!!! Stop!" I told my sister.

" Aww... but Dem the rain's so nice!" she continued.

"Crona!! You'll get sick!!" I shouted to her while under the roof of our house.

"Aww... C'mon Dem, don't be a spoilsport, you know we can't bathe everyday since water's too expensive."

She had a point there, water was costly even just a handful cost us half of our whole money, more than food actually.

Since many had found out there were posessions of demons, water has been made into holy water. It's for us to bathe in, and drink. We kept shouting for 30 mins. straight since it rained so hard.

After All that we went inside our small house, it didn't have much inside just 3 pillows, 1 large blanket on the corner, a small table in the middle, and a cooking pot on the side.

"Tha-That w-wa-was fu-fun" Crona said stuttering, because of the cold

. I  sighed and said "It's a good thing Mother isn't here, she's with that drunken lout isn't she?"

I asked her, my voice still hoarse from all the shouting.

"Yup, I just hope she won't be back soon....*Achoo*"

I heard her sneeze and said "See I told you, your gonna be sick."

I grimaced at her.

She just laughed and said "Yeah, yeah I know, but still it felt good to bathe since it's been so long. And I needed it, you too you know, you stink so get away from me."

Well that was true we only use our water for drinking.

"Just sit their and be warm" I told her, she chuckled and just sat beside the fire.

We dozed off, a few hours later we were awoken by a woman.

She had green eyes, red hair, pale complexion, and a button nose. She was our loving mother, she told us "Kid's wake up, I got the money from Alerion's will." with glee in her voice.

Our father died when we were still young, and this 'Alerion' guy, made my mother happy, after our father died. 'Alerion' helped us so many times since he had all these money. He helped us out so many times, so he could copulate me mother. Sadly, he didn't get his chance. Anyway, Karma was there.

I woke up one day, my mother told me Crona was sick. I was sorry for her, she took another shower in the rain again.

I came up to her and said "Hey, how are you?"

She said "Oh you know, I'm fine just hunting elephants" she smiled at me. Sarcasm at it's finest.

After 1 week, her illness was still there, mother and I were concerned for her. we just showed he a strong smile. Another week pass she was still ill, our money was gone, we couldn't buy her medicine anymore. My mother went into prostitution just for my sister, to buy her medicine. After 2 day's of her prostitution she was a victim of murder, she was just sexually assaulted by a drunken lout. After that she quit since she was dying, a pint of poison was  found inside her. She was living only for 1 week more and my sister too.

5 days, before her death. I needed money desperately, I followed this man down a dark alley. I saw a Satanic Pentagram, but since the man paid no heed to it, I did too.  When we were not seen from people anymore, I got nervous bad things happen when it's like this.

Except the man didn't do anything and just said "Here's a match, light the buildings in St. Greylon" He told me with a voice that sounded scary but monotone.

He said he'll pay me well if i committed arson. And I did, he paid me money that could last for 1 month but with the medicine's and other personal needs, the money will last for 4 more days. I couldn't drink anymore holy water, I gave all of my share to my sister, and mother. I promised my mother, I'll avenge her before she dies.

2 days, before her death, I finally found someone who knows or claims she knows him. I went with this prostitute who claims, she knows the suspect. She wanted to rat him out, since he didn't give her, her pay. We went down in the same dark alley from before, I know I'm not supposed to trust her, but I need to find him and kick his ass. Little did I know this prostitute didn't see the Satanic Pentagram but I did again, she was completely oblivious I thought maybe 'that was a joke or something'.

After that I saw blood on my hands, I also saw the prostitute lying with a contorted look on her face. The next thing I heard were screaming at the back of me, then suddenly I lost control of my body, and killed the person who screamed. I was suddenly the center of attention. I felt like I was eminent. That all ended fast though,I felt myself slash through all of there skins. Their blood sprayed on my face, I licked it and it felt so nice. I knew it was so disgusting, but something came over me. I saw so many people staring at me, they screamed and I followed them.

I killed all of them 148 people. I heard a voice that told me that was still low, and I believed it. I followed the voice's words and went in a small house. The people their were sleeping, 2 females.  They looked familiar, that's when I knew it was my mother, and sister. My mother, and sister awoke, and they saw me. I let my guard down and the voice urged me to kill them. I refused, but since I saw their faces my guard was now lower than before. The voice won over me. Since I refused, the voice controlled me to torture them. I did, I saw their feelings of consternation. I was ashamed to be a part of this family, when I did this. I heard their scream and liked it, their eyes filled with horror, and betrayal I loved it, I loved torturing them. It made me happy, in the end I ate them. Leaving nothing behind.

After that I felt happy, no more burden, no more sadness, no more them. Then it hit me, I was a disgusting human being for thinking of that, for liking that, FOR LOVING THAT!!!. I was lower than any human being could be. I ran outside, and looked at the pond outside our house. I saw my reflection, I had green eyes, red hair, I had fair complexion. I had looked the same, except I had looked closer, I had lust, and greed in my eyes, my hair rumpled, my clothes blood-stained.

I blinked and saw a demon beside me, he said "Well, well, good job little guy."

I was so angry at him I punched his reflection, he only laughed and said "You're great big guy, your welcome, you know."

I shouted curses at him, he only laughed harder "Big guy, it's time for me to go, thanks, and welcome hehehe."

I remembered his pale complexion, his black tousled hair, it goes with his tainted black-reddish eye Color, he wore this black tux, as if he was going to prom. I saw his hand go through his hair, those black nails of his, his hand had a tattoo, or marking, or birth mark, or something else. The mark looked liked an 'S' sign.

"Oh, I forgot to mention I was the one who ppoisoned your mother, and gave your sister that dreadful disease."

He laughed so hard I tried to punch him, behind my back. Alas, he can only be seen in the reflection from the pond anyway.

When I turned around to look at the pond, he was not there anymore. Something was written on the pond, it was used with black fire: That's the fire used by special demons, who have greater positions in Hell. It wrote: "Your wasting you time reading this, when you could've ran away. They're coming to get you."


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