We shouldn't but we should ;) (A Green Day Fanfic)

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I could hear the song 'The End' by My Chemical Romance. I opened my eyes and blinked a couple of times. I turned to my side and reached over to the bedside table. I turned off the alarm. As I sat up on my bed, I looked to see what time it was on my phone, 7:04am. Ugh.

It's a Friday so I didn't have to wear school uniform. I got up and looked to see what I wanted to wear. I picked out my skinny black ripped jeans and my black parade t- shirt. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen to find a note on the table.

It said:

"Your father, brother, grandparents and I have gone on a long holiday. There's food around, if I find out you haven't gone to school, you will be in big trouble. And remember to check around your grandparents house from time to time.

And try not to get into any stupid fights or worse.

Sally" (aka mum)

After I read the note, I grabbed it and threw it in the bin. I turned around and whacked my right hand on the table. It hurted like shit but I needed it.

I rubbed my face and sighed. I knew they were planning to leave but I didn't know it would be now. I don't know why it upset me so much, they were horrible to me.

With that, I smacked my head on the table hard, in anger. I let out a little cry. A little later, I got up and grabbed my bag. I put my crappy phone inside and started walking to the hell they call a school.

I should probably tell you a little about what a freak I am.

My name is Gloria but some people call me Raven. I don't mind it, better than my real name. I turned 17 a while back. I didn't have a good birthday, my family didn't remember. I live in the UK. I have black mid length hair, it was like a messy bob, with a green fringe. I don't have any piercings, I don't have the right money for one.

I have NO friends, probably because I don't talk, but I'm just afraid. My family, well my family don't care. They wouldn't care if I died, but when I came close to it before, they stopped me. I fucking hate them with all my gut.

I listen to the best music in my eyes. I listen to, well my favourite Green Day and MCR, A Day To Remember, The Undertones, Sum 41, Blink 182, Good Charlotte, Simple Plan, Linkin Park, Korn. Good shit like that and more!

I didn't know any other person who listens to the same as me or wears the same things as me. That's why I'm a freak, by family and school, or just people I walk by.

(A/N. New fanfic, Yay. I will update the other one soon. Green Day will be in this in the next chapter I think :-/ I can't remember.

Thanks for reading :D

xx Rage & Love xx

We shouldn't but we should ;) (A Green Day Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now