The Vast Majority

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Raven/Gloria's P.O.V

I opened my eyes to see Mike staring at me. I smiled at him and he smiled back. He got up from a chair and walked over to the bed. He got on the bed over me, with his legs each side of me. I giggled when he leaned in and kissed my nose. "I love you R" He said making me shiver. He got closer to me making me warmer.

He leaned up and his smile turned into a frown. I looked at his chest. There was a gun shot dripping with blood. I screamed.


"Wake up Raven!!" Someone yelled. My eyes shot wide open, there were tears dripping down my face. I saw Billies worried face. He pulled me into a hug and told me to calm down.

"I'm here" He repeated.

It's been a month since... since Mike has been gone. Tré and Maygen have broke up sadly. None of us go out of the house anymore. I don't eat, Billie try's to get me to eat but it didn't work. I've been sleeping in Billies bed for about 2 weeks, we're not together but Billie did say he loved me. Sometimes I don't know what's going on, he would get a bit to close sometimes. I ketp telling him I love Mike but it didn't work all the time. And at least I could try to be happy with Billie. He said sorry about yelling at me and told me that he wouldn't hit me. He said he didn't know what got over him.

I think we were all worried sick for Mike. We didn't know how to express our emotions.

I had been getting lots of nightmares, with Mike in them. One of us always dies. When I die its always better, I thought.

"Come on, it's Christmas Eve! So try to eat or just be a little more happier" Billie started. "I know it's hard because Mikes not here" He kissed my cheek and helped me up.

"Raven you've got really skinny, to skinny it's not good" I shrugged at his comment. We walked down the stairs. He went to the piano and I walked into the kitchen to see Tré poking at a piece of toast.

I sighed and zoned out.

Mike's P.O.V

They weren't going to let me go. They made me hurt people, if I didn't they would kill me. It's a group of people making me do this. A horrible, unhuman group that just want money and revenge.

The leader was called Ronnie. He wasn't human, how could he be? He was pure evil.

The two men brought in a young guy, he was scared as they all were. They threw him on the floor and the guy looked up at me. "You know what to do" I nodded slightly as I was ordered and they walked out. This is what they made me do.

There was only one other person like me, he was called Jared. He was the lead singer of 30stm. They targeted him, like they did with me.

Jared walked in and picked up the guy. Everyday it's a new person to hurt. I didn't want to. But I felt like I was  slowly turning into one of the bad guys.

The only thing that kept me going waa Raven, but I thought might never see her again. Billie probably had her now, I felt anger about that, but she'd at least be safe.

"Oi, Mike get here" I heard Ronnie shout to me. I walked over quickly, not wanting to be punished.

"You and Jared are going to do some, mission" Oh god, it sounds stupid but if I don't do what they say they will kill me.

Ronnie gave up some paper with the address of the place. I looked closer. Shit its the house next door to the guys and R.


Jared was driving the car to the house. My hands were sweating. They want us to kill the guy. Ronnie said he owns him money. Its horrible the guy is 82.


We pulled up to the house, Jared killed the engine and we pulled are hoods up. We got out of the car. I saw Billie in the window of the house next door, he was holding someone in his arms but I couldn't see who.

"Mike?" Jared said.

"What?" I snapped back.

"I told you to get a gun" I sighed and grabbed a hand gun, I put it in my back pocket. I also grabbed a knife. I looked at my arms remembering one night when Raven was sleeping next to me, she was drawing over my tattoos.

A weak smile appeared on my face but disappeared when I remembered what I was doing.

(A/N Kind of not Christmas chapter :-/


Billie and R??

Mike and R??


^Does that work?? >> Gike

Pleas Vote Comment and Shit ;D

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